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TW: violence, blood, mention of death ; royals au where the castles under attack, mainly through phil's eyes.



Guards were hurrying around the castle, scared yells being heard from all around, swords held high in the air. An attack on the castle. It was so unexpected, and in the night nonetheless. The people attacking had been planning this for a long time. Perhaps that's what made Phil's heart ache as he clenched the enchanted sword in his grasp.

Assassinators had been stalking his family for days, weeks, maybe even months. It made him want to vomit just thinking about it. They wore these prestigious green suits, clearly belonging to some wealthy lord or nobility. Phil would find out, and he would hold no mercy. "Dad, has the castle been evacuated?" His eldest son came to join him by his side, Technoblade.

As much as he wanted to wrap his large black wings around the boy, he knew he had to push down his over-protective instincts and let Techno do his own thing. He wasn't the general of the worlds largest army for nothing. "Yes- I got word from our supervisors, everybody's been evacuated to a safe house." It was obvious a flush of relief hit his son, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel the same.

To know his people, family and friends were safe was enough to drive him for succession. "How did they break past our line of defence?" Techno spat out, a hard-look on his face as he pushed onwards to find any sign of the enemies army. "It seems they'd researched for our guards schedules-" That was all Phil needed to say before Techno rushed at an enemy soldier that suddenly came into view.

Before Phil could lunge forward, another soldier caught him off guard, swinging a sword in his direction. To which he gave them a piercing gaze and struck them down where they stood, a sudden darkness filling his face. As much as he hated it, the sight of death brought him a sense of thrill, excitement he hadn't felt since a young adult.

"This remind you of anything?" His son teased, and Phil chuckled, fending a few more soldiers off. "Like the time we wiped out an entire army because they looked at us wrong." Snickers were shared between the two. Techno wasn't Phil's biological son, unlike Wilbur and Tommy, they'd met on the battlefield, both immortals alike.

They bonded right then and there. They bonded over the chaos and bloodshed they caused. Yet even when they settled down, their relationship had never changed. At the reminder of his two youngest, Wilbur and Tommy, Philza felt some surge of panic. Something was wrong. He didn't know what it was, but it gave him a drive to finish this off quickly.

It seemed Techno had noticed the distracted and dazed look on his father's face, "What's bothering you?" He yelled over the swords clashing in a haste of violence. "Don't worry about it, 'reckon you can hold them off if I go check on your brothers?" Philza called out, getting a nod in response. That was all he needed before he jumped through the nearest window, spreading his wings and taking off.

Now where was the safe house. He'd remembered it being a large, wooden- There it was. Soaring down from the skies, Phil made his landing, and with a slight stumble he bursted through the doors. Alarmed faces turned to the King, but they all fell to relief as they noticed the figure. "Dad!" Two arms wrapped securely round his waist and Phil let out a breath he was holding.

"Wilbur...Oh god- are you okay?" Kneeling down, he let the boy stuff his face into the immortal's neck, stroking a comforting hand through his hair. "I-I was so scared, everybody was yelling and I-" A shushing sound cut off Wilbur's hysterical rambling, and Phil just held his son in his arms, letting the boy sob into his shoulder.

He couldn't imagine what it was like for his youngest kids, having barely any fighting experience and yet being forced into a panic-ridden situation. He should've been there sooner to keep an eye on them- them? There was more than one, Oh- Oh. Oh god. Philza's wings twitched in discomfort as he pulled Wilbur away from his arms, eyes widening.

No this couldn't be happening.

Where was- "Wil, where's your little brother?" "They wouldn't let me go back for him dad! I swear I tried!" That sentence confirmed his worries. His 8-year-old son was left defenceless in the castle. Clutching Wilbur tightly one last time, he gaze him a stern look. "You are to stay here, I know you love your brother but god- I can't lose anybody today, alright? You stay were its safe."

Before the brown-haired boy could make any complaints, Phil placed a light kiss on his forehead and shot back into the sky. His eyes scowering the area, mainly the castle, with a face filled with fear. His youngest was only eight, practically a baby compared to the years Phil has lived.
And Phil would be damned if he'd let anything happen to him.

Landing firmly on the rubble covered floor, his heart was practically beating out of his chest. Bodies littered the floor, blood pouring steadily out of them- one of them could be his son. His son. His sunshine, his everything, could be dead because of his carelessness. "King Philza, the rest of the army seemed to retreat, we've yet to figure out why but-" Phil clenched his fists, "Find my son. Find Tommy, he's somewhere in this castle, please god- find him."

The look he gave the knight was enough to make them scramble. "TOMMY!?" He yelled out, hands cupping his mouth to make the sound travel faster. His bones ached, his whole body ached, but nobody in this castle would rest until his youngest son was found and was safe in his arms.

"Tommy? Baby, come on- Your safe now?" It only took a few minutes of stepping on dead soldiers, and fluttering around till he found Tommy's room. The door wasn't open. It was jammed shut. Phil pulled on it harshly, but it refused to budge. Banging on the door rapidly, Phil put his ear up against the door. "TOMMY!?"

There was no answer.

No answer.
Was Tommy just hiding?

Philza's muscles were tense, and he practically glared at the door, bashing it with the side of his body, using every single ounce of weight he could give. The door swung open, making a loud crashing sound, Phil clambered up as he took in the sight that lay in front of him. What the actual fuck had happened?

Tommy's room was in absolute disarray. The comforters from the bed were scattered around the marble floors, other items surrounding them. All the drawers were left open and clothing hung out from them in a way that looked clearly un-natural. This was no mistake, this wasn't Tommy just hurrying from his room- Something red caught his eye. No, no it couldn't be? 


A/N: something not in tommy's pov for once?? what?? am i feeling okay? LMFAO DSJFKDS ANYWAYS HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED!!! royal au's my beloved <3 have a good day

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