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𝐓𝐖: 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 ;; tommys stuck in the rain


Tommy hadn't meant to get stuck out in the rain, it just happened. Wilbur usually picked him up after school, but today he'd gone over to Nikki's for a study session. Although he considered calling Techno, he knew the older boy would most likely be in the library and wouldn't pick up his phone.

Looking down at his thin shirt, he let out a grimace. The weather was meant to be good that day and so he didn't even think about bringing a coat or jacket. Should've expected it. Typical of Britain.

Even the wind was strong, he felt like he was being blown off the pavement, shivering in his trainers. The rain just kept coming, lashing down heavily onto him. As he took his surroundings into consideration, he hadn't realised that he'd walked into a completely different area of town.

"Shit..." He mumbled, just feeling like he had no energy to try find his home. Goosebumps scattered across his bare arms as he huddled closer to himself. Nobody in the streets payed any mind to him.

There's no way he could stay out here, and the air was becoming to foggy for him to navigate his way back home. His brain screamed at him to call Phil, but he knew the man was already stressed enough at work, he didn't want to upset his father anymore.

Maybe Wilbur would pick up. A little bit of hope shimmered inside of him as he shakily grabbed his phone from his pocket, his hands freezing over as he did. Clicking on his brothers contact, he put the phone up to his ear, leaning back onto a tree to try gain any warmth.

"Tommy wh-"

"Wilbur, can you come pick me up?"

"I told you I'm at Nikki's, so no."


"Stop being lazy and find another way home."

The call ended, causing Tommy to suck in some tears that threatened to slip down his cheeks. He had faith Wilbur might've manned up and just came to pick him up. Clearly not. Sliding down the bark of the tree, Tommy pushed his head into his tucked knees with a sob.

His breath was becoming quick and erratic as he panicked. Would he freeze out here? Would anybody notice he hadn't came back home? As the cold nipped at his skin, the thoughts became louder and tears became quicker.

He didn't even know how long he'd been out there for before he felt a gentle hand run through his hair, and he was wearily aware of somebody lifting him up and placing him in some sort of moving vehicle.

Blinking his eyes, he noticed a tuft of pink and he shot up, only to lean his head back with a groan when a splitting pain ached through his skull. "Careful idiot, you've probably gotten some sort of sickness from being out there."

The gruff voice couldn't be anybody other than his older brother, with a content sigh and a smile on his face, Tommy turned his head towards Techno. "How'd you find me?" He mumbled out, closing his eyes as he listened out for his brothers response.

"I was coming back from the library- and fuck. Tommy you scared me half to death, I thought you were..." No other words were spoken after that, but Tommy had a feeling he was going to be scolded when he got home.

The ride was pretty smooth, Techno had always been a good driver, he was thankful for that. "I've already told Dad, he's coming home soon, and Wilbur-" A scoff came from Tommy at the name of his older brother, getting a raised eyebrow from Techno.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you, but we'll worry about it later." Before the blonde boy could retort, a gentle hand was smoothing down his hair and he couldn't help but lean into the gentle touch with a hum.

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