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TW: NONE!!! ;; some domestic family life w a hint of angst <3

A/N: when I first uploaded this I legit was rushing so much I forgot to name it, and it wont let me copy and paste on my phone so UNTIL I GET TO MY LAPTOP TO MAKE THE FONT FANCY N SHIT DEAL W IT.


"DAD! Tech's being mean to me."

Phil let out a groan, that was the sound of his youngest. His whine had bursted through Phil's attempt at a relaxing night in. "I'm literally not, Tommy's being a baby!" "I'm not a baby you insensitive prick-" An almost concerning wheeze left Wilbur's mouth as he watched his brothers have an intense staring match. "You are a child though-" That caused a riot from the young blonde.

Arriving in the kitchen after a few moments was a very exhausted Phil, in his night-gown with a cup of tea resting sluggishly in his grasp. "Knock it off- it's literally 11pm." All movement ceased in the house, the children stopping their bickering. "Your in trouble with Dadza." "OI, FUCK OFF YOU-" And it all kicked off again.

As much as the boys were a hassle, Phil leaned on his kitchen counter-top with a loving smile on his face. He wouldn't replace them for the world, they meant everything to him, every single one of them. Even if they're absolute shits- "Can we make midnight snacks, pretty please?" A tuft of blonde hair caught his eye and Phil was suddenly staring down at the pleading eyes of his youngest.

"As long as you don't burn the house down- OH! Make me some sweet 'n salted popcorn to, mate!" He called out as the three snuck off towards the cupboards. Chuckles left his mouth. He watched Tommy almost fall of trying to climb the counter-tops, but he was luckily caught by Wilbur, who dropped him immediately after. Taking that as a sign to leave them, Phil hummed quietly as he relaxed himself on his comforter.

His comforter was a rather nostalgic make, a mahogany chair that had been deemed the 'old man' chair by his adoring kids. Phil's eyes closed, and he relaxed into the couch-type chair with a sigh. His half-finished coffee lay on the table to his side. This lifestyle was definitely not one he imagined himself having. Domestic family lives weren't something he craved as a young boy, he craved adventure, and he got that adventure for a little while- before settling down.

Living like this for all his life wouldn't be to bad, perhaps he could- A grunt reached his ears, and he could recognise his piglin son's hybrid noises anywhere as he let out a hum in response. "Those two are going to burn down your kitchen." Techno said, thought there was no venom behind his voice. "Ah, I expected it." Phil responded in an amused tone, reaching over for his coffee as he kept his eyes trained on Techno.

Something was off. He didn't know exactly what it was, but something about his sons movements concerned him. "I keep hearing these voices," So that's what it was? Giving the boy a reassuring nod to continue, he did, "-And they won't shut up! They're demanding things from me Phil, stuff that I-I don't wanna do..." Tears threatened to spill from Techno's eyes, and Phil softly made his way over, wrapping a wing around him.

Trill coo's left his mouth, an attempt to comfort his son that seemed to work. "Shh, your alright. Your strong- keep fighting back, and if they get to loud? Come back to me, let your old man deal with them." A quick snort left Techno's mouth at the humour, to which Phil's wings sagged in relief. Seeing any of his children in pain, it really dampened Phil's heart. So much. All he wanted to do was wrap them up in a protective hold and fight off whatever bothered them.

"Dad- is Tech 'kay?" Looking up to spot his two youngest, Phil let out a strained smile, ushering them over with the food they'd prepared. "I'm fine Toms, stop worrying about me." A whine escaped Tommy when Techno pulled him next to them on the couch. Noticing the worried expression furrowing itself in Wilbur's eyebrow, Phil patted the space next to him. Soon enough all of his boys were comfortable on the couch.

All the worries slowly drifting out of him as he brushed a hand through Wilbur's hair, smiling to himself as the boy leaned into his touch. They'll be okay. The four of them were strong, together as a family.


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