Little TV Room

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Just as the door gave way, a whiff of neumonía mixed with rotten tomatoes, fruit and flesh hit them in the faces. They stood there like a deer in headlights as they gazed upon the vast field of the greenest grass they've ever seen. It seemed to go on forever until it was fenced in large patches. In the distance were 3 houses, each a couple of acres from each other. They all looked the same with their tan walls, brown roof, 2 windows on top, and 3 windows on the bottom like a little face. Next to the farthest house was a path leading to a water tower.

   "Agh, the ringing's even worse than before! Why do you think that is?" Hugo asked no one in particular as he took the first steps in. "Welcome to the infamous "Secret Room" Eli and Sienna! Oh and Nickie, I guess you've technically haven't seen inside too, so there you guys go! It's like my third time here so I'm basically an expert. Ask me, your guide, any questions you may have as we travel the—!"

   With a hard smack to Hugo's head, Ethan tried his best to keep from putting him in another chock hold. "Keep talking and I'll hit you again. God, just shut up." He was the next to step in, and everyone followed as it seemed he was more the liked brother. "I'm thinking we just follow the path to the first house. We won't go farther than that. We'll check the windows and if we don't see anything then maybe we go inside. If we see ANYTHING alarming then we turn back immediately, ok? Feel free to say what your ideas are."

   Hugo raised his hand, "I got an idea, how 'bout we—!"

   Ethan smacked his hand down, and punched his arm, "Not you. Didn't I say to be quiet?"

   "I got a question." Nickie raised her own hand. "Not to jinx anything but if one of us gets lost, then what? Do we search for them or leave them?"

   "That's the first time I've heard you talk in a long time." Ethan said in surprise.

   "I only speak when something needs to be said." She shrugged off.

   "Ah well, to your question, we search for them of course... but if it's too dangerous then... we leave them here and come back. At that rate Sullivan should know about this since we came here without permission. We'll convince him to send a squad later to come back and get the said missing person." He tried to say as easily as possible without hesitation in his voice.

   Timon cleared his throat. "Then I guess we should hurry and get this over with. I'm getting some eerie vibes from this place." 

   Everyone agreed with his statement; they quietly started walking towards the house. Ezra, Timon, and Sienna made sure to stick together, falling to the back of the group. Sienna tugged on both their sleeve, getting them to look down at her.

   "You said "eerie"? What does that mean?"

   "Oh. Well, um, it means strange. I get a strange feeling being in here." Timon responded with little confidence in his answer. Giving the definition to so many word made him question what he knew. He turned his attention over to Ezra. He looked visibly annoyed and shaken as if something had offended him. He couldn't gave been annoyed with him because he'd done nothing to make him mad, and it couldn't be Sienna because he was holding her hand.

   Ezra was staring down at someone ahead of the group while he took out the notebook. He pried his fingers from Sienna's as he flipped to a new page, and wrote something down angrily. He left the two of them behind in a hurry to get to the front, ignoring Timon's constantly growing questions of concern.

   "I know I'm not the best fighter, but gimme a break, Ethan! You know more than anyone that I should be able to crush a guy's skull in a matter of— W-whoa, hey!" Hugo jumped in surprise as Ezra shot the book in his face, aggressively pointing for him to read it. "What, you got a book to write in now? What do you want me to read so bad?"

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