"I have to attend an important meeting with my advisors for my next event . "He hums and pulls out a white suit .

"I'm not going?"I ask in shock and disappointment.  I dont want to be by myself .

"I trust that you'll be a good girl while I'm gone so that wont be necessary. "He informs as he hangs the suit on the door handle of the closet before slipping off his shirt which is covered in red paint. "Its nice to know you'll miss me."he grins once his shirt is pulled off and tossed on the floor.

I cant help but stare at him  in adoration . His hair is messy and unbrushed , making him look even more sexy than usual . "I didnt say I'll miss you ."I scoff and avert my gaze to the floor in shame .

"Oh but you will though . "He taunts . I hear him walking towards me and I feel my heart start beating faster in embarrassment and anxiousness. 

"No I wo-"I get cut off by him lifting my chin up,  making me look up at him in all his shirtless glory . His expression is just too much for me . Why does he have to look so damn sexy?

"Lying wont get you anywhere. "He chuckles and leans down ,connecting our lips in a very needed kiss .

Our lips move in sync and in hunger and greed for the other as I wrap my arms around his bare waist as his hand grabs the back of my head as the other slowly wraps around my neck.

My eyes widen when he pushes me back against the bed as he climbs on top of me. I try and push his hand away from my neck as memories of past events flash through my mind , however his grip slightly tightens as he become a little aggressive.

He pulls away , immediately planting hungry kisses down my neck where he nibbles on the skin. "Vincent."I call but he ignores me as he bites my neck . I cant help but enjoy the pleasure , pushing all worry and doubt to the back of my mind.

It's been a long time of teasing and flirting that at this point I need to get out my frustration. 

"If you continue you'll leave a mark."I laugh as I hold back any sound of enjoyment .

He finally stops and pulls away , looking into my eyes as speaks.  "Not a bad idea is it ?"he grins . I notice the look of passion and hunger in his eyes and find myself feeling a little more confident knowing that he feels all of this passion for me .

"But you need to get ready for your-"

He cuts me off by grabbing my face and pulling me closer to him , his grip on me hurts but I've grown used to him holding me this tight. "Its taking everything out of me to not choke the life out of you so keep that pretty mouth of yours shut ."he growls and turns around, leaving me on the bed and grabbing his suit and heading for the bathroom to get changed .

I stare at the closed bathroom door in confusion and relief. I enjoyed every second of kissing him,  even if there were moments I feared he'd go too far and hurt me.

Vincent and I have become closer over the past month .
Even before Beth's death there was a lot of tension between us ; and it didnt help that we share a bed.

My lips tingle with the feeling of his plump lips against mine . However the feint feeling of his hand around my neck remains as well . I just hope he doesnt do that again . I've had way too many incidents with him and choking me close to death .

Im glad he ended it before I let him go any further because even if I didnt want to , I'd still let him out of fear , which isnt the ideal mindset to have when trying to start a relationship with someone . However Vincent isnt normal so playing normal wont work.

The sound of the bathroom door opening snaps me out of my thoughts and I look at Vincent  eye his attire. He looks damn good in that suit.
"You're dressing awfully fancy for a meeting with just your advisors."I announce as I watch him in the process of slipping on his shoes .

"A man such as I must always look his best . "He says robotically ,fixing his suit blazer and snatching his wallet off the nightstand and making his way towards the stairs. "Behave while I'm gone."he orders as he leaves , leaving me in the room by myself.

"I will."I mumble as I stare at the stairs .

Is he really going to act as if we didnt just kiss ? Why would he need his wallet if hes just going to a meeting?

I fall back against the bed with a frustrated sigh . "I'm going crazy." I say out loud as I rub my face in annoyance.

Why should I care where hes going? He left me alone for once. I should be ecstatic ! However actually being left alone reminds me that I'm in fact ...alone.

Without Vincent what do I do?

Without Vincent I'm nothing but a woman forced to stay in someone else's apartment. 

Being left alone leaves me with my thoughts and when I think , I'm forced to remember that I'm not living in a fantasy world with my crush , but instead I'm a prisoner forced to do as I'm told by someone who murdered my best friend in front of me.

"Shit."I groan and pull a pillow over my face.
I want to go back to a few moments ago when I forgot everything and believed Vincent and I could have a normal happy life together.

Maybe we can? He hasn't done a thing to hurt me since Beth . Maybe we can put the past behind us and go forth as a painter and his mistress apprentice,  the only problem in our lives being that he is married to a rich bitch.

Oh yeah.  He's married.

I shake my head and jump to my feet. I have to distract my mind before I make myself depressed and overthink things. Everything was perfect when I was oblivious. 

I make my way downstairs , deciding to clean up the studio while Vincent is gone . Its such a mess down there . Paints and paintbrushes lay everywhere . I dont even want to think about the amount of dry paint caked on the floor .

Just as I get to the bottom of the stairs I hear the sound of the metal door on the bottom floor croaking open . I freeze and feel a cold chill run up my spine as fear shoots through me , screaming for me to run .

It could just be Vincent.  Maybe he forgot something?

"Vincent ? "I call but hear no response,the only sound being that of echoing footsteps coming up the stairway.


I scan the room for any weapon and my eyes land on a very sharp palette knife . I rush to grab it, just in time when the footsteps knock against the wood of the studio floor.  I turn around with the palette knife held up in defense but feel my body relax when I see who it is.

"Oh my God."I sigh in relief and set the palette knife down as Quinten chuckles from the top of the stairs.

"Calm down Lorain it's just me."he laughs , his voice sounding strained as he struggles to breathe.

"What are you doing here ?" I ask , growing more calm as my heart rate slows down. "You almost gave me a heart attack. "

"Yes well it's hard answering a frantic woman while I struggle to walk up a few stairs."he nods as he twists his can in his grip before tapping it against the floor as he walks around the studio, taking in the dirty room.

"Sorry for the mess . I was about to start cleaning."I inform shamefully as I watch his gaze move from the paintings to the paintbrushes on the floor covered in dry old paint.

"I actually came to see how you were doing . "He starts , his playful demeanor gone as he looks at me with a serious expression.  "Not many of Vincent's apprentices live this long. And it's been a while since I've heard of you ."

Of me? Amariah probably whines about me to him , telling him all the dirty lies she makes up 

"I can assure you, I'm fine and healthy."I smile and begin playing with my fingers .

"Yes ."he grumbles as his face pulls in disgust ."That's what I'm worried about. "He mutters and hits the chair next to him with his cane, the sudden loud sound making me jump in fright
"Come sit girl.  There's much I want to tell you regarding that boyfriend of yours ."


It was so hard to write this . Make out scenes are not my thing .

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