lost in your bones

657 9 2

by : toojuns

tags : remin, angst, painfully hurts readers but in a good way, luren, fall out of love, cliché bathroom at bar

[It happens when Renjun least expects it. Inside a bathroom, in the middle of a party he doesn't want to be at, watching as the boy who once meant everything to him jumps from the intrusion to his personal

I did create a spotify playlist, so here you go!! I personally find "Heavy Shit", "Chasing Fire" and "Always" to go really well with the fic 🥺]

Renjun would like to say he knew right away when he saw that first strand of black hair across the room, but it took him quite a while until he could actually see Jaemin in the crowded room. Maybe if it were a year ago, he would've known from the scent of Jaemin's cologne, but, right now, they're too far, and Jaemin might have changed his favorite perfume.

A lot changes in a year, and although Jaemin might not have changed his haircut at all, he does seem different. Renjun doesn't recognize the sweater he's wearing anymore, and Jaemin laughs openly now—he used to laugh hidden, finding Renjun's eyes and sharing the joke only between the two—; he's bright, and there are no more dark circles under his eyes.

Jaemin still wears the same sneakers Renjun gifted him three years ago—it was Christmas, and he was tired of seeing his boyfriend wear the same boots with holes and complain his feet were cold, so he went out, with the bit of money he could gather from his part-time job and got Jaemin the sneakers he had once told Renjun he found pretty.

They are still pretty on his feet, even if the gifter tried not to look at them too much.

Jaemin is, as far as anyone is concerned, still as pretty as the first time they met. He still sports the same mischief in his eyes and a striking profile as Renjun watches him talk to some people he doesn't know. Everything is there, the high nose bridge and the long eyelashes, the same features Renjun would trace away with his fingers for hours as he watched Jaemin sleep in the morning. He would wait until he woke up to nag him about breakfast, to which Jaemin would comply only when he had his quota of kisses for the day filled.

("Oh my god," Renjun said, fighting to get his boyfriend out of bed, "get your lips away from me, you monster."

Jaemin would laugh, as if he had not just woken up, with the confidence of a thousand suns and need to annoy his boyfriend, "Injun, it's like you don't even know me."

They would usually wake up earlier, simply because Renjun knew his boyfriend needed time before his brain could start working again, and he loved to take a few moments in with Jaemin and plan ahead their day.

"Your breath stinks," Renjun told him and got an outrageously shocked face back. It would've been cute if not for Jaemin's bed hair being all puffed out to the left and the trail of dry saliva on his cheek.

"You're not that better."

"I've already brushed my teeth."

"On Injun," Jaemin would smile, "then you have a problem.")

Those memories are still stored somewhere inside Renjun's brain as good times, no matter the consequences they had to it. And as he watches Jaemin waltz into the room, commanding the place with little effort, he can't help but find his walk funny. He knows Jaemin well enough to see as his smile turns cold, just as he is close and can hear the annoyance in his voice. There's a limit to how much social interaction with strangers Jaemin can take, and he was reaching it.

He doesn't know if his eyes are deceiving him or if Jaemin had already seen him at the party, but there's a conscious effort from Jaemin to not look over to where Renjun is—where he stands with Yukhei and the others—and he can't help but wonder if there's any meaning to it.

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