Where is RenMin Selca?

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by- seo_joohyeon

tags: fluff, remin

“Where is renmin selca?”

  Chenle snickers as he scrolled down the twitter feed, majority of them looking for a renmin selca. Renjun just posted a picture with Jeno and Donghyuck, and normally, he should be posting a picture with Jaemin, too. But there is none.

  “What’s so funny?” Jisung asks him when he comes out of his room and sees his best friend sprawled on the sofa and losing his head over his phone. He peeks and raise his eyebrows. “They didn’t post it again, didn’t they?”

  Chenle doesn’t answer, it’s self-explanatory. He rushes to the kitchen, followed by Jisung where the hyungs were, talking and eating whereas the two youngers are not allowed to be into because they can’t relate. Jisung and he are having fun anyway, who needs them. But this is hilarious.

  “Hyung, the fans are complaining.” He sits on the empty chair before any of them could shoo them away. Both of them grabs a doughnut, ignoring the disapproving noise from Donghyuck.

  Jaemin takes the phone from him and looks what the commotion is all about. He laughs. “They’re complaining about Renjun.” He pushes the phone to the smaller beside him. “You’re in trouble with our beloved czennies.”

  Renjun raised his eyebrows and finishes his tea to glance at the screen. Oh, that. “I’m not the only one, you’re an accomplice.” He makes his point by stabbing his finger on Jaemin chest but when he pulls his hands away, he doesn’t get to because the younger’s already grasping it tightly. He groans.

  Jisung leans over the table to reach for another doughnut that Jeno puts away from his reach but being the tall boy he is and his long arms are an advantage, he gets two much to his hyung’s chagrin.

  “I don’t get it,” says the maknae, eyes narrowing on Jaemin and Renjun as they fought over Renjun’s hand. “You have a lot of pictures together in your phone, mostly on Jaemin hyung’s and there’s more in your computer, those badly lit pictures you took using the computer’s camera? Why don’t you post them all? Or maybe one?”

  “You only posted once and that was last year, it wasn’t even a proper picture if I say so myself. I mean, compared the pictures you take with other members.” Chenle grabs Jaemin’s phone and goes to the gallery. He blanches and frowns in betrayal once he sees an entire album of picture with Renjun. He has albums for each member but Renjun has the most. With a dead look, he shows them the screen. “I can’t believe you.”

  Jaemin finally let go of Renjun’s hand, startled and lunges for his phone. The other topples over the chair and onto the floor from the miscalculated force because when he was about to push Jaemin, he let’s go. He kicks him from the floor in retaliation.

  “How do you know my password?” Asks Jaemin as he quickly turns off his phone and helps Renjun up but he gets pushed away, making him fall on his butt.

  Chenle peers from him above the table where he had climbed onto to send Jaemin a mischievous smile. Jisung joins him tilts his head conspiringly. Jeno’s voice can be heard berating the two maknaes to get off the table immediately.

  “Hyung, ‘nainjun’ isn’t exactly that hard to figure out,” Jisung smirks and shares a high-five with Chenle. Renjun throws him a dirty look and kicks Jaemin again.

  “That is scandalous Jaemin.” Donghyuck snorts and finally helps the two of them up.

  Jeno only stares at the mess in front of him. The two maknae on the table, half eaten doughnuts on the table, doughnut powder on the floor and two of them fighting. He shakes his head.

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