Memory lane

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Am down my memory lane
Confused but sane
Sometimes I walk
Or run or ride
Sometimes am lost
Deep in a blurring frost
Like, did that really happen ?

I see visions,
And missions
Some vividly memorable
Some, unfortunately forgettable
But they are mine
And I can't whine

It's not easy down this path
It's like taking a bath
In an ice cold river
During winter

Sometimes I shiver
As the atmosphere grows colder
Or lost in my own darkness
Never to know brightness
What a cold dark memory?

At times am chased
By my angry demons
But then am saved
By my best weapons;
Good memories
In my mental diaries.

I got to man up
Give this trip up
Let bygones be bygones
Put energy into my bones
And come back to this land
The land of the living

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