"If helping to ensure his future is successful makes him hate me, so be it. I don't care."

"There are many ways to help our child's future, I can also offer a job at my place!"

Hyun Bin's mother smiled sarcastically, "Hm, I have no interest in letting my son become a manual laborer to support his family."

"I can offer him a position in the office too, you don't have to force him to work like you to be a good husband for his wife and children!"

Hyun Bin's mother stood up suddenly, "Work like me, you say? Just how much salary can you give him? My company can give him double of what you offer!"

"Oh come on, it's not about nominals!" Hyun Bin's father was starting to get frustrated. It was impossible to talk ten minutes with this woman without stressing him out.

"Then why don't you just ask Hyun Bin, which job did he choose?" Hyun Bin's mother looked down on her ex-husband. "He chose to work with me right? That's because he wants to give the best for his wife and children later! Thankfully Hyun Bin doesn't follow your life principles in this regard" she said sharply.

Hyun Bin's father could only clench his fists in anger. His mistakes in the past always backfired, breaking all his attempts to show that he had become a more responsible father. "Okay, I see your decision has been made. I really hope you guys can come back in 2-3 weeks."

"Because no matter how bad I am as a father in your eyes, I know exactly how painful it is not to be able to see the birth of my own child." he then left the room without saying goodbye.


"Hey... What are you thinking?" Ye Jin woke up from her daydream hearing Hyun Bin's soft voice beside her. They were on the bus going to the Han River for a picnic.

Actually, there are many things in Ye Jin's mind at this time, but she answered her boyfriend's question with just a head shake. Ye Jin knew that Hyun Bin would understand her anxiety before his departure abroad.

"Don't be sad, this is a celebratation for my success in passing the graduation exam... We're supposed to be happy...!" Hyun Bin pretended to frown, until a sweet smile appeared on his lover's face.

The bus suddenly shook violently when it stopped at their destination. Hyun Bin grabbed Ye Jin's arm worriedly seeing the girl wince feeling the slight pressure in her stomach from the shock just now. "Does it hurt?" he asked softly as he helped Ye Jin who was struggling to stand up with her big belly.

Several passengers stepped aside while looking at the young couple curiously. Hyun Bin couldn't blame them if they want to look, Ye Jin looks more beautiful day by day, even when she's pregnant like this.

Cautiously, they finally managed to get off the bus without any major problems. The sunny weather immediately greeted the lovers, evoking smile on their faces.

Hyun Bin led Ye Jin descending the stairs by the river, to a less crowded corner. He patiently helped Ye Jin sit down and arrange their luggage which contained a box of sandwiches and two bottles of drinks.

"Are you comfortable sitting?" Hyun Bin asked with a smile, showing a pair of dimples.

Ye Jin nodded happily, letting Hyun Bin open her water bottle so Ye Jin could quickly moisten her dry throat.

The Hallowed Heart - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now