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Not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form or quality

He grew up different from Chan.

He didn't come from a wealthy family. But he still made it through life.

"I wish I was brave enough..."

Chan grew up with wealth.

His family and him didn't have to worry about money.

But Chan didn't grow up with the parental love. His parents always worked.

Both President of Miroh Magazine. Working hard to be able to pass the company to their only son.

So Chan grew up with different nannies and servants.

"When you love someone, show them off to the world. Never hide them."

That's what one of his nannies said. She always told him bedtime stories of how she was someone's secret.

Chan didn't like that she was someone's secret. So little him made a promise to never hide the one he loved.

"You're not going to be dating a commoner like him."

"But,,, but I love him." 19 year old Chan said.

"Fine. But keep him locked away from the public. We can't have the company going down because you love some poor boy."

Chan sighs as he rolls in bed, hating the memory that lives in his head.

Changbin was asleep next to him, soft snores being heard.

Chan reaches down and grabs the others hand. Carefully interlocking their fingers and squeezing it tightly.

Changbin stirs in his sleep and cuddles closer to Chan.

The other brings their interlocked hands up to his lips and kisses the back of Changbins hand.

"I wish I was strong enough to show you to the world..." Chan whispers.

He hated that Changbin was his secret.

The promise he made to himself was broken.

Secret (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now