Chapter 4

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" Zhan?" Yibo called Zhan's name as he turned around. Yibo knew for sure it was Zhan in front of him and he wasn't imagining things. " Yibo? What are you doing here?" Zhan questioned looking around at the high class bar, thinking Yibo might be there to get some drinks of his own. Yibo chuckled " This is where I work" Zhan made a surprised face " Wow really, cool~" he said in a positive tone. Yibo narrowed his eyebrows looking at Zhan, his replies seemed a bit...Different from the usual ones he's been giving him since the day he saw Zhan once again. " Are you drunk?" Zhan smiled and nodded his head " Maybe a little" Yibo sighed.

" How much glass did you have?" Yibo questioned, while Zhan cutely pointed out three fingers "One" Yibo looked at his fingers and then looked back at Zhan and sighed " One or three?" Zhan giggled, making Yibo laugh " Fine~ Let me take you back home" he said, holding Zhan's hand. Zhan nodded as he clinged himself onto Yibo " If you can't hold your drink then why are you drinking? '' Yibo questioned pulling Zhan closer to him so that he wouldn't fall.

Zhan pouted " Because of you " He said, hitting Yibo's arm. Yibo looked at him confused. " What did I do? " Zhan pouted once again " You came back and invoked all the feelings that I hid a long time ago" Yibo was now curious, if his guess was right Zhan meant what he was thinking " Feelings for... ? '' Zhan pushed him and looked at him face to face " Feelings for you! " Yibo held the Zhan who had fainted after using all his energy to say the final words. Yibo was happy when he heard Zhan say the words that he desired. 

 " And why didn't you say this before ?"
Yibo questioned, while Zhan pushed him and stood in front of him " What difference would it have made? TELL ME?!" Zhan yelled, while Yibo pulled him into his arms as he patted his head a soft notion to calm Zhan " A lot ~" he said in a soothing low tone, making Zhan cry at once. The tears flowed down in his eyes as he whimpered in his arm.

" Let us talk when you are sobered" Yibo ruffled Zhan's hair, while he nodded. Yibo held Zhan's hand in his hand while Zhan looked at him and smiled. His cheeks pink due to being drunk and his eyes glistening under the street light, he looked adorable making Yibo's heart skip a beat. Yibo smiled as well as both of them walked hand in hand together. " I forgot to ask you, why are you working in a bar?" Zhan questioned. 

Even in his drunk state, he was worried for Yibo. He knew Yibo had his own dreams which he wanted to pursue so badly, but he couldn't understand what made him change his mind. Yibo looked at Zhan and smiled then looked ahead, he held Zhan's hand firmly and spoke " I'll tell you all that in the morning, I don't want you to wake and not remember anything that we talked" Zhan nodded as silence fell once again while both of them walked to Zhan's house.

" BABA !" little Yuan ran to his dad as soon as the doorbell rang. Zhan's neighbor was taking care of Yuan and the old lady helped Yuan to open the door and as soon as she did, she saw a young handsome Yibo supporting the passed off Zhan. She sniffed alcohol and immediately knew that Zhan was drunk. She smiled, letting Yibo in while helping him with Zhan. She held Yuan's hand so that he would not disturb Zhan. " You are..." the old lady smiled as she confusingly looked at Yibo. 

" Oh~ I'm Zhan's-ge friend" it was then Yuan remembered Yibo from before while he jumped happily " Yibo uncle !" he ran hugging Yibo's leg making the old lay as well as Yibo laugh " Ah~ I see, you know them already, then please take care of them, I'll be leaving now" the old lady smiled, while Yibo bowed and Yuan waved her goodbye.

After she was gone, Yibo closed the door, while Yuan looked at his Zhan confusingly " Yibo uncle, what happened to baba?" Yuan had never seen Zhan drunk making him think why Zhan was all red and smelled weird. Yibo awkwardly smiled while trying to find words to explain to Yuan " Umm....Zhan...I mean, your baba is tired, we should tell him to sleep, Can you help me?" Yibo asked, while Yuan nodded " The bedroom is that way" Yuan pointed while Yibo lifted Zhan in his arms. Yuan giggled, making Yibo confused on what was so funny that made Yuan giggle, he laid Zhan on the bed and looked at Yuan who was covering him with the blanket.

" Why did you laugh?" Yibo questioned while Yuan giggled once again as he finished tucking Zhan in bed. " Its that, baba told me that a man carries a woman like that when they like each other" Yibo smiled as a small blush crept on his face " Do you like my baba?" Yuan further questioned. Yibo smiled as he lifted Yuan in his arms " If I like him will you help me to make your baba fall in love with me as well?" Yibo asked, to which Yuan thought for about a minute while Yibo carried Yuan to Yuan's bedroom.

Yibo tucked Yuan in his bed while Yuan held Yibo's hand as he was about to leave " Do you really like my baba, Yibo uncle?" Yuan asked once again. Yibo hummed as he nodded " Then fear not, I will help you uncle Yibo" . " Good night~" Yibo smiled, switching the light off while he went to the couch to lay down. It was a big day tomorrow and there was a lot to talk about.

The next day ...

Zhan woke up as he felt the warm sunlight fill his room, even though he was drunk the previous night, he clearly remembered talking with Yibo " If my guess is right, he is still here~" Zhan said as he rubbed his eyes. He got off the bed and walked towards the kitchen, he smiled seeing Yibo standing there in an apron cooking. Zhan rushed to him " You shouldn't do this~ let me do it" he said taking the ladle from his hand " I insist" Yibo said taking the ladle back in his hand. 

Zhan smiled standing close to him while leaning against the counter " I guess you have sobered up?" Yibo questions to which instead of replying Zhan questioned him " I guess you have a lot to say?" he wriggled his eyebrows while Yibo laughed " WE do, we both have a lot to say" Zhan chuckled.

" Oh before that let me go and wake up Yuan," Zhan said walking towards Yuan's bedroom while Yibo hummed. A few minutes later after Zhan went to Yuan's room Zhan yelled " YIBO! YIBO!" Yibo rushed in after hearing Zhan's distress tone. " What is it?!" he asked worriedly. Zhan was in tears as he was hugging Yuan. " Yuan is not waking up, his body is burning in heat !" Yibo was now completely censored " WHAT?! TAKE HIM TO HOSPITAL!" Zhan rushed to take his phone and wallet, Yibo carried Yuan in his arms. Both the men rushed to catch a cab to take Yuan to the nearest hospital. On the entire way to the hospital Zhan carried, while Yibo comforted him, even though he was worried for Zhan and Yuan, he knew he had to be strong for Zhan. 


To Be Continued ...

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