Chapter 3

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" Ge ! Where is Zhan ? " Yibo asked as he was not able to find Zhan anywhere, it had been three days already and Zhan hadn't come to meet him in those three days, it was unlikely of him which had made Yibo even more worried than usual. Yibo's brother sighed " I don't know, it had been three days since he came to college, maybe he's on a holiday or something " he said, scrolling through his phone. Yibo was sad, he didn't ask any further questions and quietly went back to his room.

Even though Zhan didn't know it, Yibo had always liked him, ever since his brother introduced Zhan to him. Zhan had instantly caught his attention, it was as though the world had become blurry and Zhan was the only thing his eyes could focus on. At that time Yibo didn't know if it was even appropriate for men to fall for other men as he was only fifteen and Zhan was nineteen. But when he heard stories about who love between men were possible and it was quite common around the world, Yibo knew immediately what he had over Zhan was more than just admiration, it was love and Yibo had it over Zhan.

But Yibo wasn't sure if Zhan felt the same or the feelings he had for him were just friendship and nothing more than that. Every time he would gather his courage to ask Zhan out or confess his love to him. He would chicken out at the last minute and would decide against it. Guess even the seventeen year old Yibo couldn't manage to be courageous. Who's fault was that " Ahh ~ Why am I not able to look him in the eyes when I try to confess to him every time? " said Yibo banging his head on the pillow of his bed.

Normally he was the type to say everything out in the open, but Zhan especially when it came to confessing to him, he acted as though his soul had decided to snatch his tongue. " Okay ! Tomorrow I'll ask him out ! ". Of course it was a never ending saga of tomorrows which he would never walk upto to and confess. And when Yibo had finally decided to propose his love to Zhan. The twenty year old Yibo was not expecting what his brother had to say that day.

" Hey guess what ?! " Yibo's brother said entering their dorm room, Yibo looked up from his books " What ? " Yibo asked in a cold expression, he had been tense for the past one week since and hence wasn't in a mood to be happy and all excited. His brother sat on the bed and dribbled his basketball looking at Yibo " Zhan decided to drop out of the college " Yibo stood up immediately and walked over to his brother as he wasn't able to believe his words. He knew brother had a very mischievous nature, so he thought it was maybe one of his tricks as well " Don't lie to me ! " Yibo said holding his brother's shirt, he made an angry face and pushed Yibo off him.

His brother made an irritated face, making Yibo think what he was saying might not be him joking this time. " I'm not joking douchebag, he had dropped out of college and decided to move places " Yibo couldn't believe the words that came out of his brother's mouth. He was shocked, confused, heart broken and sad all negative emotions at once. Yibo opened the dorm room and ran to Zhan's dorm room, his mind empty, hoping the words his brother said were all a lie.

After banging open Zhan's dorm room, he was disappointed to see the room empty, he ran once more as he remembered Zhan's favorite hideout. He knew he would Zhan over there. He knew for sure he was playing some tick on him. Zhan was being mischievous, he was trying to play hide and seek with him. Yibo knew he would find Zhan one way or another. He crumbled down sitting on his knees, his head hanging low and hands tangled with his hair pulling them trying to make him feel the pain. Only to see the secret hideout Zhan to be absolutely empty " He didn't even tell me ~ " Yibo laughed at this thought, his laugh which was filled with pain and a shock of disbelief that he felt as though he was betrayed. He didn't know how to explain the type of pain he was feeling at that moment. All he knew was that Zhan wasn't there anymore. He had decided to go and decided to go without telling him.

But Yibo was adamant, he concentrated less on his studies, studies that was his passion once what he wanted. But all his concentration was now shifted to find out where Zhan had gone. After a while he couldn't find Zhan anywhere. His mind wasn't ready to concentrate back on his regular life. His dreams of becoming a game designer had long gone. It was as though his dream had gone all together. Barely passing his major. Yibo decided to leave his old life behind and move to cities searching for new jobs. Yibo had completely changed even though his old feelings for Zhan had been buried. Buried until he had seen Zhan once again after three years.

" YIBO ! " Yibo snapped back to reality after his friend called him, he made a spaced out depression, his friend gestured once again " What is it ? " Yibo asked, regaining his composure, his friend sighed " It seems we are hosting an office party, boss asked us to make sure we are all set " Yibo nodded as his friend left. A lot had happened over the three years of time period. Yibo's childhood friend who happened to own a family business that being a bar, had decided to give Yibo a job after Yibo had said what had happened so far in his life.

Moreover Yibo had paid some money as well for the growth of the bar when it was facing financial problems so his friend made him half the shareholder. Even though he has been assigned to take care of one of the bars, Yibo prefers to be a bartender as this got him an opportunity to interact with people. But deep inside his heart he hoped he would maybe find Zhan at least one day in his bar. But now that he had found him once again, more likely stumbled across him once again, he didn't know what to say or what to do.

He wasn't sure if it was right to even say his hidden love to him, Yibo sighed, whipping the glass with the dry cloth " When did he even get married and have a kid ? " Yibo sighed once again asking the question to himself. Yibo made sure the place was all set for the office party and when he was satisfied by the setting, he decided to leave for home. After all, the one who did the night shift was the one incharge to host the party. " Xiuyin ! I'm off to home, take care " he said, taking his leather jacket. His friend waved him goodbye as he got busy because the crowd of people, supposed guests of the office party, had entered.

Yibo grinned as he knew Xiuyin had to suffer taking care of the large crowd single handedly. Yibo stepped out of the building and patted his jacket pocket " Where is it ? " he asked himself while still searching for something, his hands patted on the back of his pants pocket and sighed " I left it inside again " he said turning around towards the building once again, walking inside it Xiuyin saw him coming inside " What is it Yibo ? " Yibo smiled, taking the key that he had forgotten above the counter. He dangled the keys in front of Xiuyin and smiled " Forgot these "

Xiuyin gave him a thumbs up as Yibo once again walked out, but stopped when he heard a familiar voice from the group of people in that office party. He turned around not sure if he had heard it right. Slowly walking in that direction, he stopped when he saw the familiar petite figure in front of him " Zhan ~ " he called in a very low voice, still not sure if it was for real Zhan or he had confused him with someone. But as soon as the name was said, the person in front of Yibo turned as though he was familiar with the person who had called him " Yibo ? " he questioned, blinking his eyes. Both the men looked at each other as though their eyes had adjusted to see only each other and no one else. 


To Be Continued ...

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