Author's Note

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Hi. My name is Audrey and I wrote the book you're about to read. I'm going to be completely honest: this is a crazy bad idea. I've read the Hunger Games Series ONCE and haven't even glanced at any of the movies. Please don't spoil them. With all that said I have now decided to write a book. And not even a normal book, but a book about a previous tribute. Have I ever written a book before? Yes. Go check it out. Have I ever read a Hunger Games Fanfic before? Again, yes. Will this be any good? We can only pray.

There will be cursing in this book as well as mentions and detailed descriptions of death. If I decide not to be lazy (unlikely) there will be a warning in each chapter if there is gore or gruesome details of something yucky.

There will be no smut in this book so for all my horny motherfuckers you can leave. Or you could stay and read a normal(ish) book. Nothing against people who read smut and that stuff (I do it too), but this book doesn't include it.

This book is not exactly perfect. If something doesn't follow the original book I'm sorry. Not really, but whatever.

I don't need you to like this book and so honestly don't care if you don't, but please don't be rude to anyone, anything, or any characters. That being said if you have any constructive criticism, ideas, or find any grammatical/spelling errors, feel free to contact me or write a comment.

I honestly don't expect anyone to find this book so if you have congratulations. Now that you're here you might as well read the first chapter? The chapters are all really short.

I recommend you read Hunger Games before reading this.

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