#14 (if you read any of these, read this one)

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So this one was also originally in my karlnap week book (and still is) but I put it over here because I'm actually really proud of it.

If he was being perfectly honest, Karl thought being a prince was more a burden than a blessing.

He stayed up all night writing letters to far away kingdoms he would never visit, and worked all day answering the questions and concerns of his mother's kingdom.

The stress was beginning to pile up. It was too much in such a young man's shoulders. He stopped caring about his appearance. His hair was constantly disheveled, his clothing askew, and he had begun to have a few small gray streaks in his hair.

Although, the worst was yet to come.

His mother passed away peacefully in the night. Yet, she had left her only son a lot less peaceful.

In a frantic rush of work and an inability to help to protect the kingdom that was now his, Karl ended up gathering some new guards for the castle's defenses.One of those guards would prove to be worth a lot more than just a defender.

This one particular guard, Sapnap, had climbed the ranks at a deadly speed. He was respected by many and challenged only by fools.

Seeing as he had gained so much respect, Sapnap was made Karl's royal guard by unanimous vote.With Karl's stress increasing, he hardly had time for paranoia, and the people had decided it was best he had a private protector.

Karl didn't mind Sapnap, in fact, he was rather fond of him. Sapnap never questioned to far into Karl's behavior, unlike some other nosy royal hands Karl had been paired with.

Sapnap enjoyed Karl's presence as well. Sapnap was never forced to do anything Karl could do himself.

Despite what some of the royal hands might suggest, Karl was rather independent. He took things into his own hands and took care of himself. He never really asked for help and just let other's decide if they wanted to give him a hand or not.

However, Sapnap could see through Karl's fake smile. It was blatantly obvious to him.Karl was starting to crack. He looked constantly stressed and worried.

A pathway where Karl's tears fell late in the night had seemed to carve itself a dry river on his cheeks. He made less and less appearances to meals and events.

Yet, he never let the kingdom's people see through his disguise.Karl was careful to make sure that no one suspected anything. He still seemed like the king that had been ruling since the death of the queen.

Sapnap saw through, though.

He saw all the stress and misery behind Karl's eyes. He saw the way Karl cautiously tucked his silvery strands of hair behind the normal brown waves. He saw the worry lines deeply etched into Karl's face.His heart broke for Karl.

So, he decided to take action and try to help the King.

Karl had skipped another meal. Sapnap decided to excused himself from the table and go up to Karl's room.

He knocked politely. "May I come in?" Sapnap asked.
"Yes!" Karl's muffled voice replied.

Sapnap opened the door gently and walked inside."Your Majesty, would you like to join us for dinner?"

Karl pursed his lips together in thought. "You don't have to call me that, you can just call me Karl. And, no, I'm sorry, I won't be able to join for dinner tonight."
"May I ask why, Your Maj- Karl?"
"I have to finish this letter for the neighboring kingdom by the end of the week."
"It is not really my place, but as your royal guard and protector, I believe that it would serve you well to take a break."

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