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This one was kinda far fetched but I ran out of ideas and this was all I had left in my little rat brain.

Sapnap still didn't know how he had been accepted as an archeologist. His college years seemed to have flown by before his eyes. Soon he had a degree and a job.

His first few days were boring. He sat around and examined things other people had found. However, he longed to be out in the field, searching for himself.

His longing was short-lived, as he was soon sent out onto the site.

Sapnap had wandered a little bit farther away from everyone else. He figured that if so many people had been in one area for so long and still hadn't found anything then there probably was nothing in that spot. What was the harm in branching out a little anyway?

He was soon to find that out.

As he was gently brushing away some dirt, Sapnap caught sight of a metal hinge. Assuming it was simply a random part of steel, he continued to try to dig it up in hopes of ridding the area of trash.

Yet, the more he brushed, the more metal he found. Soon, he had uncovered an entire trap door.

He peered inside. There was a faint light that shimmered in the distance. He looked closer and saw what seemed to be a fountain.

Sapnap soon heard footsteps and quickly rose to meet the person before they found the trap door as well.

"Hey, what's up?" Sapnap asked approaching his coworker.
"We haven't found anything yet. How about you?"
"Nope, nothing," Sapnap lied.
"Oh, well, this place seems like a bust. It's getting late and everyone's thinking about packing up for the day."
"Yeah, that's probably a good plan."
"Grab your stuff and come on, we're gonna leave for the hotel soon."

Sapnap walked back over to his things and collected them. He took one last glance at the trap door and finalized his plan.

He was going to come back and figure things out. Whether that meant going down that trap door or not.

In the car on the way back to the hotel, Sapnap asked a question that had been buzzing in the back of his mind all day.

"Why did we choose this location?"

His boss, who was driving, said, "Well, a lot of locals have said that strange things happen around here."
"Like what?" Sapnap asked, curiosity soaking in.
"Things like loud noises in the middle of the night, voices, occasional bright lights."

That answer didn't quite satisfy him.

"But, why are we looking at it? Shouldn't another group do it?"
"Probably, but I heard all the rumors and... I suppose my curiosity sunk in."
"Ah... I see."

In reality, Sapnap thought that it was dumb that they were wasting their time somewhere that they didn't need to be. However, much like his boss, he was a little too curious for his own good.

That night, one he was sure everyone was asleep, Sapnap snuck out of the hotel.

He quietly shut the car door and turned in the engine. He technically was t supposed to be driving that car but it didn't directly belong to his boss so he assumed it would probably be fine. Probably. Maybe.

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