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Author's Note: Hello again! Just wanted to say, this is an AU, but is still based off their characters from the SMP and not them IRL!!! Also, this is another prompt I got from @thief_queen. Enjoy <3

Karl had recently moved into a small apartment. The building was nice, and the room had enough space for all his journals. Yet, Karl's favorite part was the swimming pool.

It was on the roof of the building and overlooked the entire town. The pool also had blue lights surrounding it, giving off just enough light for Karl to see what he was writing.

One night, around 9:30 P.M, Karl decided to start writing about his latest time traveling adventure.

He walked up to the pool and swung open the doors, only to see a young man swimming laps in the water.

The man looked up, and Karl waved shyly. He received a playful smile and wave from the man in return.

Karl walked over to the chair closest to the ledge of the building. He began writing down the entire story.

He wrote of two women, a knight and a princess. They lived happily, until a stranger from the next town over began to cause trouble.

Before Karl knew it, he had written five pages, front to back. All the while, the man never stopped swimming. However, Karl did catch the other gazing at him from time to time.

Karl was finishing up his last sentence when he heard the sound of water splashing gently. He looked up to see the man climbing out of the pool.

He walked towards the towels and began to dry himself off. Karl thought nothing of it, and he began to proofread what he had written.

He soon heard the sound of footsteps coming towards him. Karl looked up to see the man standing over him, now in a white tee shirt with a flame embroidered on the chest.

The stranger smiled. "Sorry to bother you," he said, "but I couldn't help but notice that I haven't seen you around here before?"

Karl's cheeks tinted a subtle pink. "I, uh, I just moved into the apartment complex, like, three days ago," he explained.

The man nodded, his smile still in tact. "Ah, that explains it. Well, I'm Sapnap, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Karl." Karl returned the smile and shook Sapnap's hand.

"Um, I'd suggest that you get to back to your place pretty soon..." Sapnap said, a glint of concern in his eyes.

"Why might that be?" Karl asked. "Well, a bunch of people come up here to party and drink around this time. They can be a little... loud."

"Thank you for telling me," Karl smiled, "I should be going now anyways, it's getting pretty late."

He stood and collected his journal and pen.

"Do you mind if I walk you to your apartment? A lot of sketchy people hang around the complex around this time," Sapnap offered, the gleam of concern returning to his dark eyes.

Normally Karl would have politely declined, but this time, he put his faith in the stranger. "That would be lovely," Karl confirmed.

He stood and gathered his notebook and pens. Then, he and the stranger walked towards the elevator.

"Which floor?" Sapnap asked steeping toward the elevator controls. "Five," Karl answered quietly.

Karl felt as if some of his confidence had melted away since leaving the comfort of the pool.

"Hey, that's the floor my apartment is on too," Sapnap noted while pressing the button. "Huh, that's a weird coincidence," Karl said with a smile.

The elevator stopped and they both walked out. Karl led the way to his apartment and stopped in front of the door. He turned to thank Sapnap for walking him there, but was interrupted by the other's voice.

"No way!" Sapnap said, taking a step back. "What?" Karl inquired. "My apartment is literally right there!" Sapnap pointed to the door right next to Karl's.

Karl giggled at the coincidence, but he could've sworn he saw Sapnap gazing at him with a light blush.

"Well, since you live right there, why don't you come in for a bit," Karl offered. Sapnap smirked. "I would love to."

Part two is in progress right now!!!

Karlnap Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن