#6 (im back!!)

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(Feel free to skip this chapter if that makes you uncomfortable/you just want fluff right now (completely understandable))

This is based on the Karl and Sapnap from my DNF Ghost AU, you don't have to read the DNF book to understand this one but it would be greatly appreciated if you did (don't feel pressured tho!! If you don't want to you don't have to) <3
The only thing that you have to know is that Dream doesn't exist in this timeline and DreamXD was in love with George (but it was unreciprocated)

The world was cruel. Karl knew that. He had always known that. So, why did it surprise him so much when the cruelties of the world began to shine through?

Sapnap was devastated by George's death. It hit Karl rather hard as well. He was certain that he could have prevented it, but he didn't know-how.

Sapnap was able to move past George's death, and accept fate, Karl could not.

He tried relentlessly to fix it. To create a timeline where he didn't die. It was no use. Some things were just meant to be.

Karl was growing weaker with every attempt. He finally gave up. Once he did, DreamXD paid him a visit.

Karl tried not to spend too much time in his library. He didn't want Sapnap to worry, not knowing where he was.

Karl was just packing up to leave when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it hesitantly, not knowing who had found his location.

A tall figure with four hands that floated listlessly beside his body, a long green cloak that was darkened and ripped at the bottom, and a white circle for a head that floated above his body, no neck to attach itself to stood at his door.

Karl recognized him instantly. DreamXD.

Karl put on a fake smile and allowed XD into the library.

XD was barely human. He had to duck down to fit into the room.

"Do you know why I am here, Jacobs?" XD asked, leaning over more to be closer to Karl's face.

"No," Karl lied.

"I'm here for your life," XD said as malice filled his voice.

"Why would you want my life. It serves you no purpose. We've already established that my life force is useless to you-"

XD cut him off. "An eye for an eye, Jacobs," he said as he began to pace the room.

Karl remained silent. "You know I tried," he finally said. "

"However, did you succeed?" XD said, twirling one of Karl's ink quills between his fingers.

"There was no way to prevent it." Karl's eyes filled with tears. "I wanted to save him. I tried as hard as I could. But, there was no lifetime in which he survived."

"Just as there will not be one for you," the immortal said as he made his way back over to Karl.

Karl walked backwards into the door in an attempt to escape.

"Don't try to run. This is for your own good. The world is cruel, painful, sorrowful. Wouldn't you like to be somewhere better?"

Karl almost believed him. He snapped out of it and tried to open the door.

"This won't hurt a bit," XD said as he reached out for Karl.

As soon as XD's hands made contact with his skin, Karl's vision blurred. His stomach put itself in a knot.

He breathed his last breath and fell to the floor, his body now devoid of life.

XD stepped over him and went to find Sapnap and tell him the news.

4 Years Later.

Sapnap never truly got over Karl's death.

Perhaps that was why, as death sank in, he felt no fear. He was not afraid of the afterlife, for he knew Karl would be waiting for him.

The pain of the arrows in his chest sank in, but Sapnap ignored it.

With his dying breath, Sapnap looked up to the sky and said, "I'll be there soon, my love."

With those final words, Sapnap lost all consensus and drifted into the afterlife.

He was right, Karl had been waiting.

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