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TRIGGER WARNING: fainting + mentions of death + degrading comments

It's funny because I got the idea for this from a recent event when I fainted from dehydration and anemia and almost gave my mom and aunt a (metaphorical) heart attack (I'm good now)

Me: *writes entire chapter about DreamXD and Karl*
Also, me: *writes entire chapter about the goddess of death and Karl*
Me as well: "hey, what if I did that, but like, combined."
*proceeds to spend several hours working on this*

Another travel, another story, and another wave of tiredness.

That was the cycle. Always had been, always would be.

Only lately, Karl was finding it more and more difficult to travel. His body refused his mind.

Karl had abandoned all self-care and gave in, he traveled one more time. Only this time could have been his last.

Karl's body completely gave out after the trip back. He claimed atop his horse that he had roped outside the library and rode as far to Kinoko Kingdom as he could manage.

He found himself in a forest near the kingdom. He was beginning to blackout. He could barely see from how much his pupils had dilated.

Karl's body wanted him to shut his eyes, fall asleep. His mind fought back.

"You have to stay awake." Karl thought, "No one will be here to save you if you faint... and you may not wake up. You can't do that to Sapnap."

Karl forged on, leading his steed halfheartedly.

Finally, his body won control. Karl blacked out completely and his body slumped over. He hit the ground with a thud.

The rest was a complete blur in his mind.

After Karl had fainted, his horse panicked and ran off in the direction of Kinoko Kingdom.

The horse reached the kingdom and whinnied and neighed as loud as it could until finally grabbing Sapnap's attention.

The horse kicked wildly and ram in circles as Sapnap came closer.

"Socks?" Sapnap said coming closer to the animal, "I thought you were still at Karl's bamboo house?"

The Socks calmed down slightly at the sound of Sapnap's familiar voice. There was still a frantic look in his eyes as he tried desperately to save his owner.

Socks kicked and neighed once more. He jerked his head in the direction he had come from, trying to get Sapnap to follow.

"Socks, why are you here? How did you even get away from Karl's house? Let alone get all the way to Kinoko Kingdom."

After a few more attempts of getting Sapnap to follow, Socks found that he would have to try a different approach.

He got down to Sapnap's level and bowed his head, asking Sapnap to climb onto the saddle.

Sapnap finally understood and pulled himself onto the horse. "What do you need, why did you want me to-" Sapnap got cut off by the speed at which Socks began to gallop.

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