Chapter 2 - Angel In Disguise

Începe de la început

After we were done I picked up my bag and followed her to her apartment.
She fished out a key and opened her apartment , it was nice place . Definitely not small. It was quite big for a single person and was looking decent enough too.

How did she manage to afford it?

"Welcome to your new home!" She announced as she opened her arms wide like they do in those stupid movies.

"That is the living room , that is kitchen , that is the bathroom , there is balcony , thats my room there and there is a guest room , you can take that , it has a bed with a drawer , a closet and a window. I'll inform the owner later!" She said as she pointed things here and there.

I thought this would be difficult but it is not as difficult as I thought it would be.

" Thank you Elle you are the best!"I said hugging her and she hugged me back. A minute later she pushed me off saying enough of this sappy shit but I could see her goofy smile.

I moved to my supposed new room , it was average not as big as my room in heaven but obviously I lived in a castle and what I was expecting here.

"Tomorrow we'll go job hunting for you , it's weekend and I don't work on weekends so we'll have two complete days and you better find something cause I'll be spending my precious two days with you!" She said narrowing her eyes at me.

"Yes ma'am ! I'm already grateful to you for this!" I said mocking her.

"You should be ! " With that she went in her own room and slammed it shut , making the 'stay out' sign fall and break.

A loud 'fuck' sounded across the apartment and I snickered at her .

I went to the bathroom and settled in my toiletries and got a shower.
After I looked fresh I went to my new room and laid on my new bed thinking about everything . Heaven, my powers , Elijah , Emanuel , Emily , ma and pa.
I still couldn't register the fact that he did it . I still couldn't register the fact that I was here , on earth getting punished for doing what an angel should do.

I don't know the meaning of love. I'm the angel of love for crying out loud. I was regretting the decision of going and save that woman. Because of me that child is now an orphan too.
I sighed and went to sleep the next two days were going to be hell lot of tiring.
I covered myself with the blankets and drifted off to slumber.


Next morning


Have I mentioned Eleanor is a cold hearted and ruthless bitch? Yeah, well hear it again she is a COLD HEARTED RUTHLESS BITCH!!!.

I asked her for five more minutes , goddamn five more minutes of sleep and she thought it would be extremely hilarious to drain a glass of chilled water down my pyjamas .

I woke up screaming my

"Eleanor why the fuck would you do that?" I shouted at her as I shivered. I rarely use the 'fuck' word.

" You weren't waking up hon, we gotta go job hunting remember? Plus you no longer have a morning wood!" She pointed out and I covered my crotch blushing furiously.

" Get out you psychotic bitch!" I shouted at her as my face went red. She patted my head and went out mumbling a small okay baby.
Just because I'm gay now she treats me like her son.
God!! girls and their obsession with gays.

I showered and dressed myself up in decent clothes.
As I stepped out of my room she looked and whistled at me .

"Now that's something you call an outfit . I don't even know what the fuck were you wearing yesterday , looked like you portrayed an angel or ran away from a wedding in all white dress shirt and those white pants! " She said as I remembered I was in my angelic clothes .

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