Fool's Gold

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I panicked, I prayed that she didn't say anything awful to those angels.

I hear Marshall grunt as his sight focuses on where my eyes are staring and he starts to stalk over towards them.

I unfreeze and follow his strides, he moves fast.

As we get closer the girls are giggling.

"Momma? What are you doing?" I say, slipping inform of Marshall, reaching my mother first, moving in closer, ready to stand between her dangers and those precious girls.

"Oh Whitney just spilt juice on her dress and she was quite upset about it" My mother said, standing too straight, wiping her hands on the napkin she was still holding, turning her eyes to Marshall "Quite the polite well behaved girls you have here, I wouldn't have even noticed anything had I not seen them fussin' over the youngest quietly"

"Are you alright?" Marshall said turning to his youngest, kneeling down, dismissing my mother's comments.

They nodded, Whitney grinning "Nanna Anna helped save my dress! I thought it was going to be ruined!"

"Now stop poutin' you hear sweet child? what did I say? I promised it would turn out just fine, no more wasted tears!" My mother said leaning down to the little girl, patting her shoulder.

Nanna Anna?

I was confused, Marshall looked at me with an expression matching my own.

My mother stood up again "I miss go see to the caterers, it seems they think they have time to strategize and we are running behind event schedule"

With that, she walked towards the kitchen.

"What just happened?"

I gaped at Marshall, I didn't even have an answer.

"She's so pretty, and really nice!" Whitney said with a bright smile.

"Where did Nanna Anna come from?"

"She told me to call her that, she said since she's gonna be out new granny"

More confusion.

"Seems your momma has taken a liking to your future stepchildren" My Aunt Jo said starting after my mother "That woman never stops surprisin' me"

"Can I'm one enlighten me as to why she's being nice?" Marshall mumbled, "Is it a trap?"

My aunt shook her head "I wouldn't have a clue, all I know is the whole time she was interacting with your youngsters she was being genuine"

"She offered to take me dress shopping!" Hailie squealed quietly "Said she knows miss vera wang personally!"

"You don't need no very wang dress" Marshall grumbled "Go with your sisters and get somethin' to eat"

Alaina tugged on Whitney's hand and they disappeared over to the tables.

"What is your ma playin' at?" He frowned at me, concerned.

I shrugged again.

I didn't know.

I stared in the direction my mother had walked off in.

I wasn't use to my mother being nice to people, she was normally cold and calculated and interacting with children was the last thing she would want to do.

"I couldn't even begin it tell you, I'm sorry"

My father walked up to us.

"Marshall, I must congratulate you on raising 3 such well behaved intelligent daughters, they have so much insight for their age, so mature"

"Thank you sir" Marshall said, a prideful smile crossed his lips "I'm a father first before anything"

My father nodded "Smart, children are quite the investment, I just wish I had time to have invested more on Harleen and Austin, but businesses don't run themselves regretfully"

"Mine wasn't without heartache sir, I was quite the workaholic at the beginning of my career, it wasn't until a year ago I opened my eyes and started to prioritize the important things in my life"

"Harleen being one of them?"

"Second to my daughter's sir, I wouldn't have it any other way, Harley and my daughters keep me grounded"

My father nods in agreement "Our Harleen is a special woman indeed, my wife and I never saw eye to eye on Harleen, but then my wife can sometimes miss the important things when she's too focused on the superficial things"

"So I've heard" Marshall mumbles, absent-mindedly slipping his arm around my waist as he and my father continued to talk, I zoned out again, watching the girls on the other side of the room, giggle amongst themselves, wearing dresses and looking like spring debutants, it warmed my heart.

I made a note to talk to my mother, no matter how dangerous it would be to my mental state, still, I would rather throw myself to the lions then let her hurt a hair on those girl's heads, emotionally or not.

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