Chapter 7

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"Nothing hurts more than trying your absolute best and still not being enough"

Maverick sat criss-cross on a worn old couch with a hand pipe brought to his lips and a lighter in his other hand. The house stank of weed and the couch had small circles burnt into it from cigarettes. The coffee table was stained with old spills and was still sticky. Maze had spent more than enough afternoons in that house and still refused to touch any of the blankets due to how many hookups had taken place at that house and he knew for a fact Danny didn't wash any of the sheets or blankets.

"Dude, look at this man's abs. I'm jealous" Danny announced as he pulled up Maverick's t-shirt and ran a hand along his skin. Maverick couldn't help laughing a little.

"If you keep feeling me up like that I'm not going to believe you're straight" Maverick snorted.

"I am" Danny protested as he took his hand away, receiving a few snickers from Maverick and Danny's other friend.

"Then quit feeling me up or you mine as well bend over" Maverick scoffed. Danny went to argue, but the doorbell rang so he laughed instead. He stood up and lightly gripped Maverick's chin to force him to look up at him. Danny was of average height and slender. He had a well-structured face and messy black hair. He was one of the few locals in their town that wasn't native.

"We need to get you a boyfriend so you quit hitting on me" Danny deadpanned before lightly slapping Maverick's cheek the same way an aunt would after pinching at a child's cheeks. It was more affectionate than you'd think. He headed over to the front door and took a peek through the small peek-hole at the top before grinning. "It's a local, Kahele you're up" Danny announced.

Maverick sighed in relief knowing very well that he needed the money regardless of where it came from. He headed over to the door to see no other than Isla Davids. He had gone to school with her up until she graduated a few years ago and moved to Maryland. He never expected to see her again. She looked different. Her eyes were unfocused and her hair was somewhat matted. Nothing like the stuck-up know-it-all Maverick remembered.

"Oh... Um... Hey, Kahele" Isla mumbled, bringing her gaze down to their shoes as if she was ashamed.


"Look, let's just make this quick. How much dope can this get me?" She muttered as she thrust a handful of crumbled cash toward him. He took it without any hesitation and counted through it before glancing back up at Isla.

"About three doses-"

"Make it four. She's cute" Danny called from behind him making him roll his eyes.

"Alright," Isla agreed. Maverick sighed and headed back to Danny who had already gotten everything together. He handed it over to Isla and watched her leave before shutting the door and handing Danny the money.

"I've got to head out. How much for the week?" Maverick sighed. Danny counted through the money they received that day before heading off to his bedroom to go get the rest of Maverick's money. Danny liked using Maverick and Josh to sell. Maverick because he was a native Hawaiian and the locals trusted him and Josh because he was white and the college kids from the mainland tended to trust Josh more than Maverick or Danny.

"Three-eighty-seven for the week and a lollipop for your little sister. Tell her I said hey"


Cyrus laid back on the grass in the front lawn, watching the branches from the old oak tree rock back and forth in the wind. The sky was cloudy and a light gray color which apparently was considered really good weather for this time of year. It was still cold enough that he chose to wear a hoodie but just warm enough that he wasn't freezing and still willingly spent time outside.

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