Chapter 1

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"The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of losing someone"

September 22, 2023

Rain pattered against the window of one of the third floors of Westwood Asylum for Boys. There were four floors; The first held most of the classrooms, the cafeteria, and the gym and library. The second held the freshmen and sophomore dorms as well as a few classrooms. The third was home to the junior and senior dorms as well as well as the showers. Then there was the fourth floor which was entirely forbidden.

On one of the beds of the third floor, laid two boys. One tall and well-built with long dark hair and soft brown eyes. He had a wide chest and never smiled with his teeth. He always looked so serious when he was deep in thought while in reality, he was far from it. The second was entirely different. Short with straight blonde hair and electrifying blue eyes in which a small glare from them would turn the strongest man into a whimpering child.

"I'll never understand the point of the uniform..." Silas began, shutting his blue eyes as he stretched out more to take up more of the bed. "Putting a tie on a bunch of delinquents just makes us look more ridiculous and less like the gentlemen they want us to be"

"Why do you have a problem with them?" Maverick asked, his eyebrows creasing together slightly.

"They make you look so fake" Silas deadpanned. "I grew up wearing this shit but you look like a drug dealer trying to attend a private school" he scoffed before swinging his legs off of the bed and hopping onto the floor. He took a long look into his mirror and adjusted his uniform while Maze watched.

"That's because I am" Maze reluctantly reminded him before catching a quick glimpse of the pretty boy readjusting his clothing. Silas Redfield; The snarkiest, fakest little bitch Maze had ever met. Also, his on and off boyfriend since they met at Westwood last year. Maze had arrived distraught and completely gone from the world and was met with the most sickeningly sweet roommate he had ever met. It didn't take long for him to realize that this roommate was also insane and couldn't keep his hands off of him. "What time is it?"

"You know how to check a clock" Silas deadpanned before glancing over at the clock hanging on their wall. "About seven-twenty"

"Alright..." Maze reluctantly sighed as he climbed off of the bed and headed over to his desk where he kept a pill organizer. He took the familiar pill before glancing over at Silas who hadn't even touched his. He rolled his eyes and grabbed Silas's medication as well and handed it to the annoyed-looking boy. "Take it. I'm not fighting with you over this again"

Silas glanced down at the capsule and then back up at Maze with a sweet smile that made Maze sick to his stomach. Silas wasn't nice, but not everyone knew that. Silas was good at putting on a show. Everyone thought he was the type that drew smiley faces on his papers, always smiled, and had a gentle touch. In reality, Maze was terrified of him and he wasn't afraid of many things.

"Not today" Silas sighed as he lightly pushed the capsule away.


"I have a headache" Silas groaned. "The pills will just make it worse, you know that..." He paused as he realized Maze wasn't buying it before letting out a loud huff and crossing his arms over his chest. "If you actually cared about me you wouldn't insist on me taking those stupid pills" Silas deadpanned. "They make me sad... You don't want me to be upset..."

Maze was quiet for a few moments before his shoulders slumped in defeat and he reluctantly nodded despite knowing Silas was playing him for a fool. Silas, on the other hand, wore a bright smile as he lightly patted the taller boy's cheek and began to strut away.

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