Chapter 5- Breakfast Stinks. Lunch Hurts. And Roman Skips Dinner.

Start from the beginning

Roman was more like his father, Victor, both were kind people who had a knack for charming others. Both could be a bit sensitive at times and both were terrible at non-art-related things.

Remus was like their mother, Laura, they both had foul mouths and never seemed to care what other people thought of what they said. They were exuberant and liked to show off what they liked, absolutely no remorse whatsoever. That was their vibe.

The twins got their confidence from their mother. Their empathy from their father. Everyone in the household liked music, there was no doubt about that. It wasn't hard to see the family had been a tightly-knit one.

"Como esta la escuela, cariño?" His mother asked as the laughter died. (How is school, sweetie?)

Roman shrugged, "No esta mal supongo," Roman replied, (They're not bad I guess) "Classes are hard."

"Are you asking your teachers for help?" His mother asked. Roman nodded, he didn't exactly like asking his teachers for help, it made him feel stupid, but it was something he had learned to do.

"One of the kids at school is going to help me study, apparently I'm doing it wrong. Something about bad note-taking and a bunch of other stuff. He's a nerd."

"A cute nerd?" His father asked.

"Papi!" Roman said with a small glare, much like Roman, his father was Bisexual and because everyone in the house had an attraction to guys talking about them was not a uncomfortable topic of conversation.

"Is that a no? Be careful with the cute nerds hijo, I married a cute nerd and now I'm the stupid one in the relationship."

His mother rolled her eyes playfully, "Have you made friends?" Roman fell quiet as he shrugged slightly, he didn't quite consider the others his friends yet. Right now, they were just people he spent his time with. "Bebo, it's been a few weeks, you need to try okay?"

"It's hard," Roman told them, it had never been difficult for Roman to make friends before so it did strike his parents as slightly odd but they couldn't say they were too surprised. "Nobody wants to be my friend here."

"There are over two thousands kids at your school Roman, I'm sure at least one of them would like to befriend you."

"Easy for you to say, " Roman said as he stabbed at his food, "Nobody thinks you're crazy"

"Que es esso?" His mother said, turning to look at him with a small glare, (what was that). Roman knew it wasn't because of what he said, rather how he said it.

"Just... rumors are spreading and stuff."

His parents' faces turned worried again, "Hurtful rumors?"

Roman shrugged, "I-I don't know. I don't know, okay?" He asked, his voice almost coming out desperate as he looked away from his breakfast, "It's hard to make friends right now. And to be honest, I don't want friends. I just-! Why did we have to move? I liked it back home mama."

"Roman," his father began, "It was better to move. There were too many memories in our old home. It was hurting everyone. It was hurting you."

'But I liked it at home,' he thought to himself. He didn't voice his opinions, simply pushing away his plate and mumbling how he needed to head to school. His parents didn't know whether to stop him or not, and they didn't, just wishing him a good day and seeing him off.

He sighed again as he reached the end of the block, Remus next to him. Today was definitely going to be a hard day.


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