"Oh nothing, Lou had a pretty mean grip while she was pushing the babies. It doesn't hurt as bad now as opposed to when she was holding it though." He kisses my hand and rests it on his lap, I leaned my head on his shoulders while he played with my fingers.

"You know this will be us soon right?" He says suddenly.

"Ronan we're not even married yet." I chuckled at him.

"I can't wait to marry you. Officially call you my wife."

"I can't wait either, I'm just counting the days. We should just go to the courthouse and do it now," I joked while laughing. I stopped laughing when Ronan didn't laugh, he was staring at me intently.

"Let's do it," He says after a while.

"Calm down baby, I was just joking"

"I'm not," He says seriously.

"Seriously? You wanna do this?" I asked solemnly.

"Dead serious, I mean we love each other and we wanna get it over with right? We don't have to tell anyone, we can still do the ceremony next month so our friends and parents won't be pissed. Only thing would be that, we would already be married."

"I can't believe I'm about to say yes to this," In a way, I kind of wished we didn't have to do the ceremony. I hated celebrations and big crowds. Who was I going to invite anyway? My parents are dead so it would only be Luana, Kian, and Ronan's parents and maybe Marissa and James.

I didn't even attend any of my graduations, I was a one and move type of person. Just let me pick up my diploma or certificate and be on my way.

I was really only doing the ceremony for Ronan's parents and our friends, I didn't want to disappoint anyone.

"Yess! Alright we'll do it tomorrow since it's already late in the afternoon."

"I can't wait!" I kissed him on his cheek.

I kinda got quiet after that, did it even make sense to do the ceremony? We could just use all that money and splurge on our honeymoon.

"You okay Alora? You seem upset, you know we don't have to do it tomorrow we can just wait until the wedding. I didn't mean to pressure you."

"No it's not that, I actually want to go to the courthouse tomorrow."

"Then what is it? Talk to me babygirl."

"I just.... I don't know. I just don't think it makes sense to have the ceremony," I said biting my lip nervous that he would get upset.

"So it's not just me?" Ronan says chuckling.

"You thought the same too?!?"

"I mean yea, it would be just under ten people there. We're not very social people," Ronan say scratching his head and playing with the rings on his fingers.

"I was honestly just going along with it because I didn't want to disappoint everyone, especially your parents."

"Alora, it's our wedding not theirs. If we don't want to do something then we don't have to, and since when do you try and please everyone else and not yourself?"

"I don't know, it's your parents we're talking about I kind of don't want to disappoint them. Besides they put their traveling to the side until the wedding, I'll feel bad knowing they wasted two month here when they could've been in Paris or Italy right now."

"Alora they'll be fine, I doubt they would be upset anyway. They would just be happy that we got married. Anyway, I'll talk to them, and I doubt our friends would mind."

"Doubt we would mind what?" Kian says emerging out of Luana's room with his two babies in hand.

"We might not have a wedding ceremony," Ronan says.

"Well duhh, that would make sense who would you guys even invite? Us and your employees?" Kian snickers.

"You thought it too?!?" I beamed at Kian. He nodded his head.

My eyes snap to the babies he held in his hands.

"Look at you two, finally out of your mama?" I coo at them. "Hi Kaia, Hi Kade," I smile sweetly at them watching them stir.

"Would you like to hold them?" Kian asks and I nodded. He hands me Kade and puts Kaia in Ronan's hand.

"Hi my sweet little boy, it's your crazy aunt who's gonna spoil you forever and ever and ever." I coo at Kade.

"You and Kian are just alike, y'all not spoiling shit," Luana says emerging out of her room walking towards us while holding the IV drip pole.

"Hey baby what are you doing, the doctor says you need rest," Kian says rushing to her.

"I'm fine Kian, I'm so bored in there. I just wanted to come be with my babies, my baby daddy and our friends." Luana smiles.

"Dude I can't wait for you to have your own kids because this is hilarious," Kian says to Ronan.

I look over at Ronan to see him stare at Kaia like she's an alien. I laugh at his facial expression.

"I don't know what to do." Ronan says frowning.

"Talk to her," Luana encourages.

"Hi," Ronan says in his deep voice to the Kaia and we all start cracking up. He looks up to us and frowns more when he sees us laughing. "What? I did as I was told."

Just as he spoke, Kaia stirs a bit and starts smiling showing her gums, her eyes still closed. I look at Ronan and see his eyes soften. He starts smiling back.


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