Chapter 5

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When I woke up, I was alone. Again. And it was the middle of the night. Again. The clock read 2:49am.

We'd been at the safehouse ten days and there wasn't a morning I hadn't woken up alone. And a few times, like now, it was the middle of the night and Tommy was already gone, working. He was still working hard trying to figure out who was after us. I was convinced it was Carson, but Tommy still had his doubts. Despite everything, I think he still had a soft spot for his cousin. They were family after all.

Even with me waking up alone every time, Tommy came to bed with me every night. He kissed me and held me while we slept. I was worried that was part of the reason I wasn't sleeping through the night anymore. Was I already to the point that I couldn't sleep without him?

I hoped not.

I laid in bed, tossing and turning, hoping he'd come back to me. Staring at the ceiling I forced my eyes closed. I tried counting sheep, but that didn't work. Opening my eyes again I blinked at the ceiling. I'd been in this position multiple nights, with Tommy on top of me, worshipping my body. I never knew sex could be like that. I'd been convinced that the first few times were a fluke, him trying to prove himself superior to Carson. He had, but he also hadn't stopped there. Each time got better and better. I'd assumed it would eventually turn around and be all about him, his pleasure, what I could do for him. But it wasn't. It was always about me before it was about him. He seemed to enjoy giving me pleasure more than receiving it from me. Regardless of the danger surrounding him, he always wanted me, was always ready to take me at a moment's notice. It should probably make me feel used. I was trapped her. I knew that if I asked to leave, he'd let me, but I wouldn't be safe. So I was trapped, but I was trapped with him. I didn't view him as the villain anymore, despite how history would write him. He saved me from Carson. And in return, I'd give him all of me, body, soul and heart. He may stomp on my soul and heart, but he enjoyed having my body. And I loved giving it to him.

In the few weeks we'd been together, he hadn't beaten me, cheated on me, or forced himself on me. He'd kept his promise. I should want more, expect more. A shrink would have a field day trying to decipher why I was the way that I was, why I let men control me. But I didn't care; I didn't need to know.

Thirty minutes later, I was still wide awake. Tommy would be the only thing that helped me get back to sleep at this point. Kicking the covers off, I climbed out of bed and padded down the hall towards his office. That's the only other place he'd be.

Right before the door, I could hear him speaking lowly. I didn't hear anyone answer so he must be on the phone.

"That's the second one this week. There's a leak."

A leak? In his organization? Who? How?

No wonder he was so stressed.

"Find it!" He growled into the phone. "I cannot afford to lose another shipment." I could hear the tension in his voice. He'd been having his shipments intercepted? Shipments of what? Guns? Drugs? "And get Axel and Jameson here!"

His second and third in command. I'd heard him speak about them, but I still hadn't met them.

"Wake them up! I don't give a fuck." I'd never heard him so angry. "I want them here before the damn sun comes up."

I heard his phone fall to the desk. Whatever I'd been planning on doing didn't seem like such a good idea anymore. But before I could sneak away, I was being summoned.

"If you want to eavesdrop princess, you should be more discreet."



"Come here."

Pushing away from the wall I turned, tugging down the short, silk, grey nightie I was wearing.

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