Abusive Girlfriend PT1

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-Reid's POV-

I woke up to the sounds of birds. I get up and stretch for a second. I walked to the bathroom with the pile of clothes I am going to wear today. As I'm done I go find my girlfriend Ariel. We've dated for 3 weeks and a few days ago she said she wanted to move in. I remember saying it was WAY too fast, but she said this was my only chance to be normal and have a girlfriend. I realized at that moment that people have called me weird and other hurtful 'nicknames' or words, so I decided to let her move in.

I look at the clock and realized that if I want to make it in time, or maybe if traffic isn't heavy, a few minutes early, I should start getting to work. Once I was walking to the front door of my apartment Ariel, my girlfriend, appeared right in front of me and slapped me. I stood still for a couple of moments because she has never put her hands on me. Hell, we haven't even kiss, hugged, or held hands.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

"I-I was just heading off to work."

"I-I-I don't care! I wake up early to make you a slice of toast and you don't even say hi?!, I have taught you how to be less...well...you! And this how you repay me?!", she ended her sentence with her slapping me again.

"I-I'm sorry it won't happen again. I'm sorry I wasn't a good boyfriend."

"Damn right you are,"


"How the fuck do they keep up with your ass."

We stood there for a couple of moments before she started to speak again.

"Oh I'm sorry baby,"

I winced at the nicknames. I still haven't got used to her calling me sweetie, baby, honey. God she might slap or worse punch me if she knew the nicknames Garcia and Morgan call me. But it would be my fault for being unfaithful.

"I never meant to hurt you I just got up too early, I'm sorry sweetie..."

I heard the sadness in her voice and decided to forgive her but tell her it was my fault. I mean IT WAS. She wakes up early to make me a slice of toast and I repay her for leaving to work without a word spoken.

I gave her a smile and a wave goodbye as I walked towards the door and open it into the hall, I look back at her and smiled before I closed the door behind me. I touched my cheek. She slapped the same area two times, so it obviously stung. I then shrugged it off and walked downstairs towards my car. 

Once I got into my car and started it, I then began to wait for the heater to work. It was November 29th and that would probably not help my cheek. I then realized I would be about a minute late so with the heater still turning on I drove to the BAU.

-Time skip-

I arrived 3 minutes late but once I got inside, I saw that no one made a scene nor looked like they cared. I smiled because I like it when people don't make such a big deal of something but then again, I don't have the excuse to talk like that.

Ariel taught me that I should stop making a—or what she calls—dramatic breakdown over everything I mess up for. I only remember doing it 9 times, but she said once was enough.

I walked and sat down in my chair and began working on my 6 case files I had in-front of me.

For those readers who read at the top or middle of their phones

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