Chapter 6

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🐢Danny's POV🐢
It was the day after we hung out with Emily. I had thought about asking her if she wanted to make it a regular thing, but I figured it might be too soon.

"Hey Paul!" I shouted.

"Yeah?" He asked as he came in the room with a box of pizza. I smiled.

"Do you want to meet Emily at the park?" His eyes practically beamed when I said her name.

"Sure! I'll bring the pizza."

*Call between Emily & Danny*
Me: Wanna meet at the park in 15-ish minutes?

Emily: Sure. Is Paul coming?

Me: Yeah.

Emily: Okay. Be there soon.


🐬Emily's POV🐬
As soon as I got off the phone with Danny, I put my hair in a ponytail and walked out the door wearing some sweats and a big sweater.

"Where are you going?" My mother said from her work in grandma's garden.

"The park."

"Okay." She said suspiciously as I crossed the road. On my way to meet Paul and Danny I decided to look around to get a feel of the place. As I looked around I noticed a few bunnies, birds nests, some children playing in their front yards. They waved as I passed and I waved back, smiling.

This place is really nice. Maybe I should move here. I could hang out with Danny and Paul more.

I looked around some more. I looked back to my path just in time to see a boy looking down at his phone. Of course, not in enough time to move. He ran into me.

"Sorry." He mumbled momentarily looking up to see who he'd run into. He stared at me with dark green eyes. He swept his long-ish brown curly hair out of his eyes. "Oh. Sorry. I'm Jared."

"Emily. You take a lot of walks looking at your phone?"

"Not usually. My girlfriend just texted me." I drooped a little at the word girlfriend. He was kinda cute.

"Oh. Nice meeting you. Maybe we'll run into each other again."

"Haha. Run. Very funny." He actually laughed at my pun. "See ya."

I continued on thinking about how he'd laughed at my pun. No one laughs at my puns. I arrived at the park a few minutes later. Danny and Paul were playing tag. I leaned on the lamppost near me on my left. They didn't notice me watching them play tag for a few moments. They were cute. Apparently Danny was it, because he came over, tagged me, and ran for his house. Paul followed him.

"Oh, no you di'in't" I snapped sassily. I ran after them, catches up with Paul, tagged him and bolted to Danny.

"Ugh!" He sighed. We ran all the way to his house. Paul was still "it". Danny unlocked his door, we ran down to the basement and flopped on the couch. We were way out of breath. Paul bounded in way out of breath too.

"You win." He flopped down on the couch beside me.

"Yes!" I cheered.

"So what took you so long to get to the park. Paul and I thought we would die of boredom." Danny asked.

"I ran into Jared. Quite literally." They both winced a little at his name. "What?" They glanced at each other. "Tell me. I won't talk to him again if it's that bad." They perked up a little. Danny nodded at Paul. He sighed and began.

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