Chapter 7

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<•> Paul's POV<•>

"Several months ago, Danny was dating this girl named Gabby. She was pretty. Real dark, short hair. Grey eyes. The works. She was a little snobbish, one of many things I didn't like about her. Danny went to her house one time..." I lingered.

"Go on." Danny and Emily encouraged. They smiled at each other. Jinx. She  mouthed.

"Okay. So he went in, he had a key, you see, they had been dating for a while now. He went around into the kitchen were he figured she was. He walked in and Gabby was sitting on the island lip-locked with Jared. Now me, I didn't like her, so every time I hung out with her and Danny I looked for more reasons not to like her, naturally." I paused and glanced behind Emily at Danny. He was crying. Breath.
"I could tell by the way she talked to Danny, there was someone else. I tried to tell Danny to confront her about it, but he had already fallen. Jared used to be one of our best friends, but now..."

Emily looked at Danny.

"Oh, Danny." She hugged him. He seemed a little surprised but relaxed and hugged me back. It was gross.

"Wanna watch some movies?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Emily said.

"Ooooh. We should watch a horror movie!" Danny suggested.

"Nooooooo. Those are like super scary." Emily complained.

"Supernatural marathon!!" I yelled. But I knew Danny just wanted Emily to "get scared" so he could hold her. I have to admit, I was jealous. Danny always has these sob stories he gets to tell to make the girls feel sorry for him. I knew they were all true and sad, but it just wasn't fair. I turned on Netflix and started the marathon.

~Several episodes later~
The pizza had been consumed and that thing came on Netflix.

Are you still watching? It asked. I clicked "no".

I looked over at Danny and Emily. She was fast asleep and Danny had her phone.

"What? I'm just texting her mom to see if she can spend the night." I was super surprised.

"What?! Are you crazy?! You've only known her for like two days!" It was too fast.

"Don't worry, I'm going to leave her down here and go up to bed." He moved slowly, so as not to wake her. She was so cute. Her mouth was slightly open and her makeup had smudged a little. I just wanted her to fall asleep on me.

I left Danny's house way jealous. I drove down the driveway out onto the road.

It's not fair!

"Fair's when you get cotton candy." My mind told me. It was something my nephew said.

I know, but Danny's always wooing the girls with his sob stories.

"Maybe you should make up a sob story. That'll get her to fall for you."

That's lying. I can't lie to her just to get her. She would find out and never talk to me again.

"True." My mind conceded. I stopped at the sign. It was a four way stop and my turn to go. Just then, someone came flying out of nowhere. He hit the side of my car, airbags deployed and I blacked out.

Hey guys! Author here. I know I left you with a cliffhanger, but the next chapter will be coming soon. In the meantime, you should read "Stay" by hope1028. It's a really great read with lots of detail and plot twists. I recommend it. Thanks for reading. Talk to you soon.

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