Chapter 2

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I shuffled my feet into my room with my Grammy's hand over my eyes.


I gasped. It was beautiful. The white framed window had silver fabric drapes. The bed was in the right corner with light, sheer white drapes, the pillow works, and a queen size mattress. The turquoise covers matched the silver painted frame perfectly. In the other corner of the room a silver stained wardrobe sat. The turquoise wall behind it. The other three walls were a very light gray. I whipped around to face my grandmother.

"It's beautiful!!" I exclaimed. "But why all this?"

"It's a graduation present!! You're free to come up here whenever you like. You could even just move up here. I never have company over."

"But what about..."

"I already talked to your Mom about it." She interrupted. "She agreed I should have someone to keep me company more often."

I pulled my suitcase into my new room as Grammy went back downstairs. After I had unpacked I decided to walk my dog, Java, to stretch our legs. I grabbed my iPhone and headphones and headed downstairs.

"I'll be back later Mom!" I shouted into the house.

"Be back before 4:30." She replied.

"Will do!" And with that I headed out the door and down the sidewalk. After about 15 minutes of walking Java. We crossed the street and headed to the neighborhood playground in the distance. As I glanced down at my aching feet I noticed my shoe was untied. Java barked at an approaching figure. I closed my eyes and took a quick break.

Java stopped barking and I looked up. A tall boy, who looked a bit older than me, with brown, floppy, curly hair was petting Java. He noticed me staring at him.

"S-s-s-sorry." His deep shy voice stuttered. When he looked up, I could see his eyes were a beautiful blue color. He had a key on a chain around his neck. Peculiar. I stared until I realized I was actually staring at him. He seemed to be apologizing for playing with Java.

"It's okay, she's a really friendly dog. Just be lucky she isn't a trained guard dog, that could've ended badly for you." I awkwardly rambled on. He came over to where I was.

"So, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you around, you must've just moved here." He seemed really shy.

"Yeah. My grandma lives up here and we are visiting." He faced dropped a little at the word 'visiting'. "I'm Emily."

"Danny, Danny Edge." He shook my hand.

"You look familiar?"

"Is that a question?"

"Yeah. I can't decide if you do or not."

"I have a YouTube channel with my best friend."

"Oh yeah! My best friend Lexi is obsessed with you guys. Exclamation Point, right?"

"Yeah. That's right. You want to maybe..." and mumbled the rest.

"What was that?" I smiled sweetly.

"You want to maybe come over and hang out with us sometime?" He answered a little more confidently.

"Yeah." I paused. "Oh. Let me give you my phone number."

"Oh yeah." We switched phones and put our numbers in. I took an awkward selfie for the contact photo.

"It was nice to meet you Emily." He handed my phone back to me.

"Likewise. Come on Java." I smiled as we walked back to our houses.

🏃45-ish minutes later🏃
*It's One Direction here. Pick up your mobile...Pick up your mobile...Pick up your mobile.*

My phone went off as I got out of the shower.

Danny: *Hey. 😃*

I smiled as I replied.

Me: *Hi. 😝*

Danny: *I talked to Paul. Wanna come over tomorrow?*

"Mom?!" I yelled downstairs.

"Yeah honey?!" She yelled back up.

"Can I go to a friends tomorrow?"

"What time?"

Me: *What time?*

Danny: *Noon?*




Me: *Sure. Meet me at the park.*

Danny: *Cool will do.*

Me: *See you tomorrow. 😊*

Danny: *See you. 😁*

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