Ch. 40 - NaturalBorn (and Elle)

Start from the beginning

"Ugh, what is that, Elwin?" Ira gagged, pinching his nose. Ali got hit with the stench a few moments later and staggered into Ivy.

"An old elixir I made that cured about everyone that came in here. But of course, I reserved them for unconscious patients only since they can take it without a complaint. The others, absolutely refused and they went the long way round to full recovery. The unconscious ones always woke up within fifteen minutes." Elwin set the vial on Nix's bedside. "I want to try it."

"Is it still effective, after all these years?" Ira asked, now sitting on Ali's bed and away from the vial.

Elwin shrugged. "If it isn't, there's no side effects. It's pure."

A series of knocks came from the door.

Cass went to open it, and let Glen and August in. Glen had swept her hair back into its usual high bun, and she wore a deep purple pantsuit adorned with a thin silver belt. A matching cape hung off her shoulders, with a stylishly frayed hem. August wore a similar outfit in orange, which complimented her warm brown skin nicely. August smiled a little, but Glen's face remained emotionless and tired.

"How's my boy, Elwin?" August said softly, lowering herself onto his bed. "Is he any closer to waking up?"

Elwin picked up the vial. "I've tried a lot of things, they only seemed to help him heal inside. I don't see any signs of him waking up, so I wanted to try this. I've used this before on my unconscious patients. They always woke up in fifteen. And they're up and talking within the hour." Elwin heaved a little. "So with your permission, I'd like to try an old remedy on Nix."

August eyed the vial in Elwin's hand. "Do you have to put that on the needle?"

"Yes, I will."

"Okay, then. Try it. We all want him to wake up here."

Elwin made to uncork the bottle and hooked it up to the drip. Sea green liquid started flowing down the line and into the needle in Nix's arm.

Three gentle knocks on the door turned their heads.

"Is it Noah?" Glen asked. "I'll let him in." She said when Ali nodded.

Glen opened the door for him and he walked in, wearing a navy button down under a mauve cape that sent Ali's heart somewhere near a flock of fairies. Shoes clicking on the wooden planks, he made a beeline for Ali, and enveloped her in a hug. "I finally get to see you again." He whispered.

"How's Nix, Elwin?" He said, letting go of Ali but keeping an arm around her shoulders.

"We're trying something new to see if it helps," he explained. "Fingers crossed. I hooked up the line a second before you knocked."

Glen twitched a little in her seat, clearly uncomfortable.

"Glen, how's that headache of yours? Any better?"

"Were you eavesdropping on our call, Elwin?" Glen joked, wincing a little. "It's not much better."

"Here, let's see." Elwin beckoned her over, and she got up and sat next to Elwin by his office door. Flashes of light surrounded her head as she closed her eyes, and Elwin slipped on his glasses. "Did something happen today, Glen, that I should know about?" He whispered.

Glen stayed still.

"Glen?" The lights flashed away.

"Mom. Mom. Nix. He's... he feels off." She whispered. "I can't look. He feels weird."

Elwin looked around to Nix's bed, where August sat. She touched his arms, then his forehead, and paled a little.

"Glen, is this a sibling thing, or is there something else connecting you two?" Elwin asked softly. "You can tell me, all of us here can keep secrets."

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