"About two more months, oppa..." Ye Jin caressed her stomach softly, "I feel enormous, I don't know how big my stomach will be in 2 months..."

"You're still too young to go through all this, Ye Jin." Gong Yoo commented sadly.

"I know oppa, but don't worry, I can definitely live with it."  Honestly, Ye Jin wasn't sure about her own words, but what could she do but strengthen herself by being optimistic?

"You're supposed to be thinking about school, studying for good grades, having fun with your friends..." Gong Yoo continued to regret her condition, making Ye Jin feel even more uncomfortable.

"I've gone through the phase of regretting my situation, oppa." she answered sharply, "now it's time to focus on preparing myself to be a mother."

"But you're still a child yourself!" Gong Yoo raised his face to look at Ye Jin with a look full of pain. "I can never stop regretting going to Busan that time."

"Oppa can't go on like this, everything has happened and can't be changed anymore."  Ye Jin prepared to leave, but Gong Yoo held her hand tightly.

"I know, and I'm sorry I'm still struggling to let you go. I can't go on living thinking about how different our lives would be if all this hadn't happened."

"Destiny will always find a way, oppa... Now or later."

"Don't you miss me?"  Gong Yoo moved closer, bent down to hug Ye Jin from behind like he used to do in the past.

Ye Jin closed her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks when she realized that she missed this closeness too.

"I know you feel lonely like me..." Gong Yoo kissed the top of her head affectionately, "we used to spend time together all the time..."

"Oppa..." Ye Jin whispered softly, her tears now falling unstoppably.

"Sometimes I feel like you're still around me... Busy in the kitchen with eomma, sitting on the sofa, looking for me in my room... Am I going crazy now, Ye Jin...?" Ye Jin felt Gong Yoo's teardrops start to run down her hair.

"Oppa... I'm sorry oppa..." Ye Jin burst into tears. "I miss us too, but I don't want to hurt Hyun Bin oppa..."

Gong Yoo froze, hugging Ye Jin tighter as if the girl could disappear at any moment, "I know.. I understand... But sometimes I wish you could be selfish just like him who took you from my arms so suddenly... Sometimes I want to hurt him back by snatching you from his hands... But that would make me the same as the person that I hate..."

"Oppa knows Hyun Bin oppa isn't that bad..." Ye Jin touched Gong Yoo's hand that was hugging her shoulder, "You two used to be so close to each other..."

Gong Yoo smiled sarcastically, "He knows my feelings for you, but he still took you from me."

Ye Jin knew that nothing could mend their relationship and heal Gong Yoo's wounds other than time.  Her chest tightened at the thought of the pain that the oppa she loved had to go through, but she didn't know how to help him.

They cried hugging each other for some time until someone's arrival from the side door made Gong Yoo and Ye Jin raise their heads.

The Hallowed Heart - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now