"Uh.. Can you let go of me now ? Y-you smell like tea leaves, sir."

(Y/n) curses herself for stuttering, 'shit, that was a bad excuse. He smells really good to be honest.'

With a click of his tongue, Levi releases her. 

'Does tea leaves smell bad ?' He scrunches his eyebrows.

(Y/n) bows a little, "My apologies for.. bumping into you. I should've paid more attention. Well then, I'm going now." She leaves from Levi's sight and walks to the other side of the car he's leaning on.

"Oi. Where the hell do you think you're going ?"

She stopped, "to the driver's seat. Since Mr. Braun isn't here.." (Y/n) trails off.

"No. I'll do the driving."

"H-huh ?"

Levi opens the door to the front passenger seat, "get in."

"...yes sir." With hesitant steps, (Y/n) finally makes her way to Levi before getting inside the car and buckling her seatbelt. He then closes the door and gets into the driver's seat.

In the middle of strapping her seatbelt, Levi clears his throat beside her.

This makes her turn her head in his direction, "Sir ?"

"Ms. (L/n), I suggest you pay more attention to your fashion. It looks like you don't have any sense of it."

"Pardon ?"

"Your blouse," Levi pointed out, "you wore that last Wednesday and Friday. Someone might mistake it for our company's uniform."

The woman sighs, "Wednesday and Friday.." she then slightly rolls her eyes, "how do you remember all that ?"

'Shit, that's not the answer I was expecting.' Levi begins to sweat.

'I can't tell her that I'm always checking out on her at every chance I have everyday.'

Instead of giving an answer, the vice president reaches his hand to grab something from the backseat, "Here." He hands her a box of.. foreign food.

"What's this ?"

(Y/n) tilts the box a little, eyeing the content inside.

"Croque Monsieur, made by my personal chef. You may have it if you want, if you haven't had breakfast."

"Oh.." She sweatdropped, "thank you sir."


And so, the two begin to head to work. Together.


Levi presses on the elevator button, with (Y/n) waiting patiently behind him.


The door opened, and thankfully, the elevator's empty.

The vice president was about to enter before he remembered something, he then stopped in his tracks suddenly. Of course, this makes (Y/n), who was about to enter too, stops behind him.

With a swift motion, Levi turns around to face his secretary.

"Ladies first."

Her jaw drops to the floor.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now