Chapter 8: Shining

Start from the beginning

Jimin: Yes! She was so scary!

Dahyun: Jinjja? *giggles* The girl is too innocent.

Jimin: You don't know her... I know she can do unimaginable things.

Dahyun: Where did that come from? *frowns*

Jimin: I heard her and her friend talking.

Jimin then told Dahyun about what he heard between Jeongyeon and Seulgi in her vinyl shop. He kind of exaggerated it unconsciously.

Jimin: Nobody even talked to her while she was in that school because they were all afraid of her.

Dahyun: Really??

Jimin: Yes. Like, imagine this... she was like this person who had dark shadows following her and she never looked at anyone's eyes. Because if she did, surely, they'd be her next target. That's how she was described.

Dahyun: Uhhh. As in, Seulgi and Jeongyeon talked about shadows?? Are you sure you're already awake? Or are you watching too much dark anime?

Jimin: No! That's exactly how they described her! They even mentioned that Jeongyeon would always bring a knife around school!

Well, that was not how Seulgi and Jeongyeon talked about her life in her previous school but that was how it registered to Jimin.

After getting out of the store, he could no longer stop thinking about it that he started creating images inside his mind. Jeongyeon, flashing her eyes on him coldly. Jeongyeon, smirking at him until he surrendered. Jeongyeon, making his life miserable. Because of that, he couldn't get enough sleep and if he could, she'd always visit him in his dreams— or nightmares.

Jimin: I can't believe I let her get close to me. I even walked with her for days at five in the morning! What if she murdered me back then? And now, I am her fucking partner in badminton. And the worst thing there is that it was me who should be blamed!

Dahyun: Huh??

Jimin: I knew it. God let me not come to school during PE day this week because surely, she already plotted her dark plan for me.

Dahyun: *shaking her head* Wow. You are way ahead, Jimin. You are way ahead.

Jimin: Dubu, a favor. *sighs* Will you please look out for her for me?

Dahyun: Wow, that's so romantic. *pouts* Jeongyeon's a lucky girl.

Jimin: That's not what I mean! Watch her, report everything she does to me.

Dahyun: The hell? That's creepy!

Jimin: Jinjja?

Dahyun: Yes! You're obsessed.

Jimin: That girl messes up with my head! I can't just let it go! I don't understand her, I don't understand her intentions so might as well just play along. Plus, I'd get to know if she plots something against me.

Dahyun: Between my academics and my extracurricular activities, I don't think I can do that. And remember, Taehyung's her close friend. I can't always be around her knowing that he also is. How will I be able to manage that? It was so difficult to think of a good excuse to The Cypher and The Bulletproof people just for my name to not be brought up to anyone, to make sure that I won't be caught. Think about it. Gosh, it's so hard to hide. Even my boyfriend must not know.

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