~ Chapter 20 ~

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Clarke's POV

"Again, what do you want from Anya?" Lexa asked as we were coming back to her bike from the pier. I tried to explain to her that I was supposed to call her more than an hour ago. I lost the track of time as we decided to just sit with each other on the bench.

"When you stormed out of the house, I knew I had to find you. So I called Anya from your phone--"

"My phone? Since when do you know the passoword?" Lexa looked at me very surprised.

"Seriously? 6969?"

"Yeah. I thought it was good." She smirked slightly.

We stopped next to her bike.

"Sure." I smiled back and just nodded. "Whatsoever, she told me where I could find you and asked me to call her within an hour. Two have passed already."

Lexa's face seemed to bright out when she finally understood. "Ohhh..." she started nodding. "Do you have her number?"

"Yeah. I'll call her when we'll get to your house."

"Alright," Lexa said and gave me the helmet. She waited as I put it on and then helped me with the latch.

She helped me get on it and then sat herself with ease and grace.

"Don't you have a helmet?" I asked as we were sat and she didn't have a helmet on.

"Nope. There's only one," she said and started the engine.

It was too loud now for me to question this.

Lexa drove away and headed to her house. Anya's car was already under the house. Lexa slowed down and parked in the already opened garage. My guess was that Anya opened it for her already, not wanting to waste more time finding out what happened today.

We walked together, our hands just slightly linked. As soon as the door closed behind us Anya showed up right in front.

She looked at us, then at our hands, and she made some high pitched noise, that I guessed was pure joy and excitement.

"Oh... my... GOD!!" She quickly got between us and put her both arms around us, dragging us into the living room. "You both gotta tell me EV-RY-THING!!"


After we told all the details of this day, from when Lexa screamed at me at the beginning, through when I kissed her, to when I helped her with the panic attack - or at least I tried - to the proper kiss.

Anya was so happy. She was literally beaming with happiness. I didn't quite know why exactly, but it somehow made me feel good. Her support was amazing. Lexa was really lucky to have someone like Anya in her life.

When she finally let us go, we went to Lexa's room. I was inside of it many, many times before, but now, I really looked at it.

It was quite plain, not so colorful, but every detail, every small thing I noticed could tell you something about her. I didn't look at it before this way. And even though I still didn't get most of the things I saw, I had hope that someday I could learn it all. I had hope in us. I really did.

Lexa looked at me, with a slight smile, just a lift of the corner of her mouth. "I'm gonna take a shower." She pointed at the door that led to her bathroom.

I nodded. "Sure. Imma work on the project a bit."

She frowned and walked closer to me. As I was sitting on her bed, she stood next to me and put her hands on my arms. "Please don't. Not today. We're gonna work on it, but not today, alright?" Her hands went to my face, grabbing my chin gently. One hand stroked my chin after she tucked some loose strand of hair behind my ear.

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