Chapter Seventeen

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Marsha's POV

Mary and I met Karina at the school entrance. I keep glancing back, waiting for Kathy to come and apologize. (Should I apologize? I mean, she was just being caring. Gosh, I hate this.) "What's wrong?" Mary asked. "Nothing," I said. She nodded, and Karina gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze. I took one last glance back to see if I saw Kathy but sadly, she wasn't there. When I turn around, I see JJ rolling down the car's window. "Hey, girly!" She smiles. "Hello!" I said. Kendrick helped us get in the car, and I sat next to JJ. She pulled in a tight hug. "I've missed you," she said, and I smiled. "I've missed you too," I rested my head on her shoulder.

Mary looks at her phone, frowning. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Tony is asking me where we're going," she says. "How about we make today a no phone day?" I asked, and she looked at me, confused. "We can only answer emergencies," I added. "Sounds good to me," Karina says. JJ looks at Karina, and something shifts in her eyes; she composes herself quickly before I could ask anything. "I'll just let Tony know," Mary tells me. "Well, girls. This is Jessica," I introduced her to them. "Y'all can just call me JJ," she smiles. "Nice to meet you, JJ; I'm Karina," she shakes her hand. "Love the accent! Italy is a beautiful country," JJ says, and Karina smiles, nodding her head. They both exchange a look, like sharing a silent secret, almost as if they knew each other. "It's great to meet you! I'm Mary, this dumbo's sister," Mary introduced herself before I could do it. "Oh, you are the sister," JJ said thoughtfully. "No! No, that sister," I tell her, and she laughed, nodding her head.

JJ was the one talking the most. (I wonder if Kathy is thinking about me? Will she call me at the end of the day? I miss her.) I took a deep breath, and the girls noticed. "Everything okay?" Asked and I nodded. "We're here, ma'am," JJ's driver said, and we all got out; I helped JJ out since she was still recovering. "Popped the trunk so I can grab your wheelchair," I told her. "I knew I was forgetting something," she said, and I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, really," she smiled, and I nodded. "So, who wants ice cream?" JJ asked, and all of us raised our hands like little kids. As we made our way to the ice cream shop, I glanced at the store where Kathy got my dress for the Gala. (Am I in the wrong here?) JJ noticed me falling behind, and she did the same, so I catch up to her. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I had a fight with Kathy," I said. "I see; you don't fight often, do you?" she asked, giving me a sad smile. "It's our first fight," I looked at my hands. "Was it because of me?" She asked. When I didn't answer, she laughed a little. "I guess I do understand. But how come she doesn't mind that one of her friends is part of the Italian mafia," she said, and I looked at her, confused.

She reads my expression and laughs. "You didn't know?" She asks. "No! I would've never guessed," I said. "Yeah, she's the heir of one of the most notorious families," she looks at Karina. "Are you rivals?" I asked, and she shook her head. "AJ and I try not to make enemies, hoping to avoid fights and get innocent civilians involved," she said. "We're not like what they show in the movies or on tv," she added. "I know that you could've killed me that night to keep your identity safe. Instead, you let me stay over and borrow some clothes," I said, and she smiled. "Was I not supposed to do that?" She asked. "Honestly, I thought you were going to throw us in a dungeon and ask Kathy's parents for money to let us go," I confessed, and she laughed. "We're not that bad!" She says. "Wait, so you've done that?" I asked. "Yes, but they were not necessarily good people either," she defended herself.

She stops talking when we catch up with the others. As we made our way inside the ice cream shop Karina and I went to order while Mary and JJ got us a table. "You never said you're friend was the Jessica James," she said, and I looked at her, confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "She made her presence known when she was 17; she and her girlfriend took on the Medallín Cartel. They are the big bosses," she whispered. "How do you know about all this?" I asked, pretending not to know about her. "Oh, merde! Right, you didn't know," she scratched the back of her head. "My family is also in the business," she said, and I nodded. "But you said they were the big bosses, so you're family works for them?" I asked, and she shook her head. "My family is a big deal in Italy but not here; JJ and her girlfriend pretty much rule here," she says. "Does Marco know?" I asked. "Yeah, we've discussed it, but I am not taking over my family's business," she says. "No?" I questioned. "No, my brother is going to," she says. "I didn't know you had a brother. Are you two close?" I ask. "He lives in Italy, so we don't get to see each other often, but we talk," she said, and I nodded.

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