'Indeed why do I say 'First' you might be wondering? Ask your ancestors, for they can answer even more, for the very destruction they lay on the land their descendants are living now?' 

For a brief moment, The old bartender looked far away, lost in thought. He shuddered & shook his head, continued reading the book.
One last time, Ouranos & Deus created two mud dolls. A Magnificent Creation. They showed it to their Eldest Sister. Gaia, knowing their intention (They didn't want a repetition of Angels & Demons), quietly shaped the dolls , and breathed some life into them.
 Thus, the Goddess of Life & Death were created. The Goddess of Life & Death together this time, carefully & calmly, with the advice of their elders, Ouranos & Deus &  Gaia created the numerous races that now inhabit the realms. The Dwarves, The Elves, the Mers, The Goblins & Orcs, the Centaurs & Minotaurs , The Kets & finally Men.

The Montagnolduki or the Dwarves are certainly short as one would expect but do not mistake them for being weak , for they are powerful enough to give the Orcs & Minotaurs a run for their money. The Race can surely be called the  Men under the Mountain 

The Eflyes or Elves, a beautiful race with sharp features such as their perfectly shaped faces, pointy ears & also of-course their control of Maia. They, also among themselves have differentiation of the Dark Elves- who have dark Skin who are associated with the God of Night, Deus, The Snow Elves- Albino Skin with their snow-coloured hair, The Wood Elves- The Ones who are closest to Gaia & nature itself, brown skin & eyes are distinguishable.

The Mersean or the Merfolk, are the inhabitants of coastal areas & much obliged to live underwater. Their pale blue skin & the gills on each side of their head are the distinguishing features.

The Orkue or Orcs are burly & resemble the elves a little( their Ear structures are similar) Most orcs do have fangs or tusks of some sort, lupine ears, red eyes, claw hands, and an aggressive temperament.

 The Gobleinue or Goblins on the other hand, are smaller, green creatures who are underestimated highly due to their small size, they are very shrewd & have the makings of the merchants.

The Kentaures & Minotaures or Centaurs & Minotaurs are tribal races who believe in hunting & strength. The Minotaurs have the head & legs of a bull & the body of a man & they also have superhuman strength. Meanwhile the Centaurs have the body of a horse, from below the torso & the body of a man above the torso. They are excellent archers strong enough to rival the Elves. But due to them having bodies like these, they are seen as abominations & often discriminated against, thus they prefer to seclude themselves & only engage with the other races if necessary.

The Nekoyang or Kets are a feline race, famous for their stealth & agility, their claws razor sharp making them highly accomplished as Assassins & Scouts. They mostly seclude themselves along with the Men in the mysterious country of Huang He.

Finally us, Nolduki or Jaeuldsei or Men , we don't have much of a speciality,  but I can say with confidence, we are a race who are all-rounders, we are merchants, warriors, sorcerers, blacksmiths & can go toe-to-toe with others. 

Certainly, peace was there. The Races co-existed. Suddenly signs were seen of the warfare again. Factions were created. Each race, different they may seem but had one goal in mind, to be supreme over all others. Thus, Guerre dze Secondaire Eposkai , the War of the Second Age or infamously known as Chorcie dze Couerscigil, The Clash of The Races started. 

The Goddesses of Life & Death had trouble creating balance. Blood flowed freely & chaos & death loomed all round. Every race, even the Merfolk & Elves had become crazed for war. Ouranos & Deus knew this time, their sister would not take it silently.

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