𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 - 𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚

691 27 0

Playlist of the day-

Still rewriting.


Pain crept back, almost paralyzing burning, especially the base of their neck that screamed every time their shirt rubbed against it. Shakily, Stray reached up to touch the wound, biting back a whine when it shot waves of pain through the surrounding area and they quickly pulled back.
   Sitting up, they very gradually made sure that nothing was broken. The roof had a small puddle of blood around them and there was blood all over their clothes.
   Rationally, the best course of action would be to go to recovery girl, but she would surely tell Eraserhead and that can of worms didn't need to be opened yet. But as Stray pushed themself up and stood trying to gain balance, they had to grab onto the ledge of the roof.
  After a few shaky moments on their feet, Stray took a breath and opened the door that lead back downstairs. It was quiet for the most part but there was some conversations in the distance. Each step on that staircase felt like hell, but eventually the villain made it back to the dorm, squinting to make out the time on the clock.

  So their absence was surely noted, and that in itself would cause problems. But that didn't seem all that important at the moment as Stray stumbled to lean against the armoire and rummage through the drawers until they found an old roll of bandages and sat down on the floor to take care of the worst of the effects.
  Carefully, they pulled their clothes off and went at their own pace to securely wrap bloodied and badly burned areas. The fur on their tail was singed and blackened at the ends and their skin was raw and blistered in patches. Mostly on their stomach and arms.
  Those areas in themselves took almost an hour to wrap since the pain held Stray's pace at a constant hesitancy. They pulled a baggy pair of pants on slowly and pulled themself to stand up. They needed to look in the mirror to bandage what seemed to be the worst source of pain. The reflection of their chest and neck showed a burned imprint of Bakugou's hand and Stray just stood their for a moment. The roll of bandages was in their hand, but they just stood in front of the mirror silently.
  Stray stood like that for a long while, feeling absolutely nothing and everything at once as they looked at the wound. But after a silent while, they just started bandaging it without a word. The pain didn't register this time and they pulled on a shirt over themself, feeling the movement in their arms as they raised them carefully. Stray grabbed a hoodie too, from the drawers, and pulled it on quickly before sitting on the edge of the bed.
   The room was quiet. Everywhere was quiet. Stray just felt nothing. If anything they felt sick as they laid down and curled in on themself, facing the wall and hugging a small pillow to their chest. Their legs came up around the pillow too and their tail wrapped tightly around them.
  The teen didn't move or make noise. Stray simply stared at the wall and let everything around them fade into static.

  "Hey." Eraserhead watched as Stray jumped a bit and turned to look over their shoulder at him.

The room was dim now, hours had passed. They hadn't slept, but rather time faded out, but they were snapped back to reality a bit now.

  Eraserhead stepped into the room and looked down at the villain who laid in a ball on the bed. He'd been knocking for a full minute or so. Stray stared up at him with tired and empty eyes and the hero sat down beside them when he saw the bandages peeking out from beneath their clothing. "What happened." His tone was still as stern as usual as he vaguely gestured to the bandages, but it wasn't accusatory. They sat up and moved to lean against the wall a foot or so away from Eraserhead, but didn't answer or even look at him. They just looked down.
  The hero sighed silently and looked down too. Stray clearly wasn't okay enough to talk right now. Whether that be because they were still too upset with him about the papers they had seen, or because they were upset about whatever he hadn't been there for.
Eraserhead didn't leave though, he didn't say anything or move at all for that matter. He wasn't going to leave Stray in a room by themself when they were clearly both injured and unstable.
  He nodded in acknowledgment and moved to sit on the floor with his back against the bedframe to wait with Stray until they were responsive enough to talk or even just until they ask him to leave.
"Okay, kid"

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