𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭 - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣 𝙎𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚

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Playlist of the day-

Enjoy =]

   A headache pounded in the back of Stray's head as the two heroes in the back seat argued loudly about dating lives. Midnight yelling something at present mic about not being into older men in an uncharacteristically ungraceful manner. Eraserhead, who had seemingly learned to ignore them by now, hardly paid any attention as he drifted into a far-right lane to make a turn. The wolf simply leaned against the passenger side door and stated out the window. The way everything zoomed past and the way the bright lights blurred together hurt their head and they closed their eyes a bit. It was certainly better in the front seat than in the back with the two eccentric children, however.
  Stray could no longer see where the car was going, but they could feel the turning and braking as their body slightly drifted in the seat at the movements. One specific turn at an intersection was abrupt enough to startle Stray and they sat up, resuming their watch out the window.
  Present mic was now the one yelling and midnight shoved him forward, causing him to slam into the back of the passenger seat you were in. The wolf turned to look backwards and snarled sharply behind their mask, the two heroes both went quiet from the sheer unexpectedly of it. The moment surely would have escalated further past that, but Eraserhead shot his capture weapon out and wrapped Stray in it, forcing them to sit still. They directed their aggression now towards the hero behind the wheel, but he simply ignored them and continued driving until they eventually quieted down and sank in the seat. The capture weapon loosened but still remained wrapped around their arms and torso for the rest of the drive. The two in the back seat stayed mostly quiet for the ride back as well.
  Eraserhead pulled into a parking spot and turned off the ignition, giving a small glance to the wolf beside him before slowly releasing them from the capture weapon and allowing it to once again rest around his shoulders. Stray glared up at him as he did so, but still, the man ignored them. Midnight stretched her arms out and arched her back, yawning dramatically. But of course, with her usual attractive grace that she always seemed to maintain. And the noise broke the silence, "Finallyy, Aizawa you drive so sloww~" she taunted and opened the car door to get out.
  Present mic and Eraserhead shared a look for a moment that wasn't related. Midnight definitely recognized it as her smile faltered for just a moment. But Stray knew they had to do with it and opened the door to get out. Cool air flooded in and carried the thick tension from the car.

  Eventually they took Stray's things up to the dorm space they were using and dropped the bags. Present mic and Midnight wandered off to go do other things, but Eraserhead lingered inside the doorframe and watched for a few more moments before he too left and Stray was left alone in the room once again.
    They seemed heavy. Not just exhausted, but drained from the day.
Even if it was less violent perhaps as their days on average before being captured, it felt more stressful by far and made them feel burdened, tense.
    Quite a few bags laid strewn against one blank wall of the dorm, perhaps 7, a couple had fallen onto their sides and Stray crouched quietly beside the bags to begin pulling things out. 
   At the store, the teen hadn't been very concerned with whatever was being put into the cart, it was the choice of the three heroes, and they were more focused on the people in the store that seemed to be staring. 
   Four out of seven bags were filled exclusively with clothes, mostly neutral or darker colors it seemed. One or two pairs of basic shoes thrown in as well. It didn't take long for wolf to find places to shove clothes, in drawers of the dresser that seemed much too big to them. Another couple bags were random necessities as expected and Stray found places to put those as well. They paced back and forth between the pile of bags to the drawers being gradually filled, the only sound in the room being their quiet footsteps, until they crouched down a final time in front of an untouched bag. A large plain black backpack peaked out of the top of the plastic bag that made too much noise when they pulled it out.
    Stray almost found themself further disdainful at the sight of the bag, what it implied. Being forced into a hero classroom and forced to comply with their expectations. They lifted it up and flung it away, letting it slide beneath the dresser, though it was still visible and easily accessible for when they inevitably had to use it. The buckles on the straps made an uncomfortable scraping noise as it slid against the wooden floor. The wolf collected the now empty, plastic bags and rolled them into a ball, reaching to collect the last one. But as they picked it up, the bottom of the bag still weighed down, outlining things left in the bottom. 
    They had assumed the backpack would have taken up the whole bag, but it would seem otherwise when they set the other bags down and pulled open the last bag. A box with a lot of writing sat at the bottom and as Stray picked it up to turn it around, they saw a larger image on the front of a pair of black headphones that must have gone unnoticed by themself at the store.
    Had the headphones been purposefully bought for them? They wondered silently. But nonetheless, the wolf ran their finger beneath a flap of cardboard, allowing the tape to tear off the box with a quiet ripping noise and pulled out a nice pair of black headphones in a bed of plastic.
     The plastic held a charging cord and base that would plug into the outlet, but no connecting wire, so they seemed to be wireless. Despite their hesitation at first, Stray pulled the headphones wider and brought them over their head to rest on their shoulders with a silent question still running through their mind of who had been the one to buy these?

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