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Start from the beginning

"Alright, Chewie get ready!", Han instructed the Wookie. The man switched some bottoms. "And..", he began. This wasn't new to him. He had done risky things all the time. But this time- this time he was more anxious. He didn't know what it was. Maybe the promise he had made to Leia? Maybe it was about their son. About Ben Solo who he promised to bring back. No, this was not only about him, it was about her. He had just gotten her back, had held her in his arms, and he didn't want to lose her. Not again, not ever. He had another chance. A small flicker of hope. So if this mission went wrong, he might never see her again.

And she was the reason he was anxious. After all these years, always her.

The smuggler pushed the level forward and shouted. "Now!" Slowly, the blue colors from hyperspace disappeared and Eliora came into view with the base. Her eyes tried to catch what it looked like, but they were too slow, or the Falcon was rather too fast. She watched as the Falcon destroyed every tree that came into its way. And how Han Solo didn't pull up, but stayed low. This fact must have irritated Chewbacca, because the hairy Wookiee growled. "I can't get any higher!", the smuggler complained.

They would see the Falcon if they got any higher and their mission would be more than lost. More than for nothing. They had the whole resistance rely on them, he had Leia Organa rely on him. And he wouldn't mess things up. Not then. But Finn, who noticed the same thing as Chewbacca, shouted as well. "Get higher!" Han rolled his eyes. "If I get any higher, they'll see us!", he complained. Why was no one listening to him?
Eliora and Finn were gripping on their seats like they would die. The Falcon had such immense speed, that Eliora was almost thrown out of her seat, if it wasn't for the seat belts. Her hair, that was now put into a ponytail, still hit her face. She groaned in annoyance, why did she not just let
it open? The ponytail didn't change a thing.

Eliora's eyes closed as the Falcon hit the ground. But the speed didn't decrease, it slid on the earth with the same speed as before. She almost thought that they wouldn't make it, that the Falcon wouldn't slow down, but that was luckily not the case. Relief washed over the brunette as the Falcon came- finally- to a halt. Even Han Solo was letting out a sigh of relief that he didn't know he had been holding. "You almost got us killed.", Finn complained. Han just laughed. "You couldn't have done it any better." Finn nodded. "That's true. But Eliora made a way better job than you." Han Solo just scoffed and Eliora giggled at that comment. "That was a whole other situation, Finn. You can't compare my flying skills with the one of one of the best pilots.", she laughed. "Well then- Poe would have done it better." Eliora rolled her eyes. He would have probably done it the same way as Han Solo.
Tho, what Finn and Eliora didn't see, was the proud smile on Han's face.

But suddenly, Eliora heard a mechanic voice inside of her head. Her eyes shot open and her breath caught in her throat. "They're here.", the voice stated softly, making Eliora flinch. This wouldn't be good at all.

The scenery was breathtaking, Eliora had to admit that. For such an awful place, a place where a weapon that can destroy whole planets was located, it looked beautiful. Such sweet irony of that. The place looked great, but the things done with it were horrible. Green trees were covered with what Eliora identified as snow. The air smelled so fresh- like a morning on D'Qar smelled. Eliora saw small mountains embraced by snow. The wind blew the trees to the west and Eliora was sure the temperature was falling every few seconds.

Her whole body froze from the cold. She had lived on Tatooine where the heat was almost unbearable for visitors. But after a time she had gotten used to it all. So the sun, to the endless mountains of sand, to the temperature. It had been hot and almost unbearable on some days, but it had been what Eliora had only known in her life. She had always enjoyed the sunsets on the evenings. She had watched upper limbs of the two suns disappear below the horizon almost every day. It held a special memory. Watching the sky change colors every evening.

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