Chapter 2

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"Get. Off." I heard a deep voice say. My eyes fluttered open. I lifted my head to see Nathan laying beside me, between me and Max to be exact.


I saw Dad having a hold of Max's ankles. The upper half of his body was on the bed while the lower half was in the air. Dad was pulling him by his ankles as Max tried to hold onto something to balance.

"I said, Get off my daughter's bed." Dad gritted, pulling him.

"I can get off myself, Mr. Romano." Max said, holding onto the bed so he doesn't fall down.

"Fine. Now get off." Dad said throwing him back on the bed and snapping his fingers.

Max rolled his eyes.
"Your family sometimes forgets we're best friends."

"And her family always remembers you're a boy." Dad gritted, watching Max snatch the blanket from Nathan and going to lay down on the couch in my room.

"What the truck?" Nathan said, stirring awake, due to the blanket being snatched from him.

"Nothing. Go back to sleep." Max grumbled. Nathan just rolled over to put an arm and leg on me and slept again. I was holding in my laughter.

"Don't you call boys over for sleepover again." Dad said, looking at me and narrowing his eyes.

"Fine, old man." I said, whispering the last part. Dad still heard it.

See! I don't know how to whisper.

"You call me old man one more time, Evvie. I swear, I'm going to ground you for a whole year." He said, in a warning tone.

"Grandpa will not like that." I smirked while Dad just looked annoyed.

"I can't believe my own father fights with me. Believe me Evvie. I'm going to fight with you too, for my grandchildren." He said and stormed out. I chuckled.

"Your Dad's a man child." Max muttered, already drifting off.

"I know right." I said, rolling my eyes. "Come back now. Its too early to wake up."

"Thank God. The bed is way comfier." Max grumbled before getting up and slumping over where he was before.


I woke up to Nathan shaking me awake.
"Get up. I'm hungry." He said.

"No. Go away." I grumbled, pushing him away.

He's been doing this for a long time now.

"Oh truck off, Nathan. Let me try." I heard Max say.

"You have a date today." Max yelled in my ear. I shot up.

"I didn't choose what I'm going to wear." I yelled and tried to scramble off the bed, when someone picked me up.

"Get ready for breakfast first." Nathan said. He put me down in the bathroom and walked out. After doing my morning business, I walked down to the kitchen.

Everyone was already there.
"Morning baby." Leo said, making Will glare at him.

"You're really trying to take my place." Will gritted. Leo smirked.

"I have my own special place." He scoffed.

"Yeah. In the trashcan." Will muttered. Leo choked on his drink.

Woah! Will said that?

"Woah!! That was so rude." Leo feigned a hurt expression.

"Okay kids. Shut up." Luca muttered, in his morning mood.

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