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"Does he like you, or are you dating him behind my back?"

"And what gave you that idea of Jaeyun, the literal definition of rich and good looking man, would date a dimwit but still scores A's on her exam like me, who is also currently struggling to plan her future out, a typical university student." There's sourness in her voice, just like sour patch kids or even Malic acid which has a questioning amount of pH level in it. "I don't know, Jaeyun could literally get any girl, he looks good, is smart, rich but humble. Anyone could be attracted to him, and that includes you, he's your type isn't it?"

"Definitely, he's every girl's dream boy, his personality is great too." All Areum heard was a sigh leaving Jaemin's lips when he gazed up into her pupils, ever so softly, it was a different kind of gaze he has always given. Like it had heart shapes in his eyes, with the motive of protecting what's his, and how he wished to have his name written on her body in big bold large font that she rightfully and lawfully belongs to him but no one else. "But if he's just your friend, as you said, why was he with you, why does he text you at like a minute past five in the morning?"

"Don't you do that with me? You're just my friend too, what's your problem with him?" Areum cracks at her knuckles, nibbling on the bottom of her lips, feeling her face heat up in anger of his unreasonable behaviour and mood swings. "I am your best-friend, besides, I'm just protecting what's mine." His voice trails off at the last sentence, no way was he going to let her hear about it so soon, perhaps when the time is right and when he finally figures out if he likes Areum or her.

"What? I didn't quite catch that last sentence." Her eyes squinted, struggling to keep it wide open, she probably ran on at most a three hour sleep this week. "It's nothing important, go head to bed, I'll be there after I shower." Jaemin shoos her away, pushing the female into her room, grabbing his clothes out of her closet before shutting the doors closed on her, and stepping into the bathroom right opposite the guest bedroom.

His fingers struggled to switch the light switches on, findling with the hem of his white dress shirt, before peeling it off his body. "What was I thinking bro..." He curses at himself for what he let slip out his mouth earlier, like 'protecting what's his?' sounds horrendously cringey and romantic to him, the last thing he'd be was to be a romantic lover. A sigh escapes his lips for the nth time, stepping into the shower where the lukewarm beads of water cascaded down his chest, wetting his hair as his fingers found refuge in the strands, letting his thoughts run wild.

'What if I like her and not Areum, she could just be someone entertaining my feelings, but at the same time she's my best-friend...' Jaemin thinks it's pathetic for someone to ever like their very own best-friend, and that's exactly why he's refraining from doing so, neither does he think he is ever going to commit that best-friend code. He shouldn't feel this way, he shouldn't use his best-friend to entertain his feelings for another, it's all a mess, he doesn't want that to happen.

A groan left his lips when he turns the shower off, slipping into a pair of black sweats and a white shirt clinging onto his torso, exposing the view of his hardly displayed chiseled chest he had been working on which hence explains the chest a size bigger than usual. Ruffling his hair, water splattered out, that's the way man dries his hair perhaps, turning the lights off. Jaemin steps out of the bathroom, meeting pitch black darkness and pin drop silence beside the ticking clock and snoring from her puppy sleeping by the end of the hallway in his bed.

He grabs ahold of the handle, gently pushing the door open, where he could kind of make out the outline of his best-friend on her bed, lying on her stomach with the arms wide-spread. He has no idea how he's going to tuck himself under the duvets without waking her up, that's the last thing he'd be hoping to do today. Waking her up, causing her to lose sleep when he knows she's the type unable to head back to sleep after being woken up, Ever so cautiously slipping under the sheets, lifting her arms to let it rest on his waist instead, his face buried in her hair.

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