
You told Pietro everything about the mission, except for the fact that you were gonna be gone for 2 months, "You can't.." he said sadly, "I have to, I'm their best bet to wrap it up", "Can't they send someone else" he pleaded, you shook your head as a response, "No..I won't let you, what if you die..", tears started to form in his eyes, you pulled him into a hug and he started to cry on your shoulder, "Please don't go..", he pleaded, "I have to, Love, I'll come back, I promise", he kept crying on your shoulder and hugged you tighter.

Tears were starting to form in your eyes too, knowing that if you fail this, you'll be gone. But you had hope in yourself, you told yourself you could do it, and probably even do it earlier than 2 months, so you decided to stay with him for the rest of the day so he wouldn't feel too lonely.


It was already time for you to leave, your bags were packed, you dressed in a jacket, cap, glasses, black pants, and brown boots so nobody knew who you were, incase they would have spies around. You had your last hug and kiss with Pietro, he was the most difficult to let go, you had no problem with leaving the others, but Pietro just wouldn't budge, so you had to leave when he was asleep. Luckily, with all the crying he's done today, he fell asleep pretty quickly.

So you took one last good look at him, and remembered everything about him, his hair, his smile, the way his hugs felt, everything. So you leaned in to give him another kiss on the cheek, and left him a note. You walked out of the tower and drove towards the headquarters.

When you got there, Fury was waiting beside a private jet, "Look who finally decided to show up", he stated, "Goodbyes aren't that easy you know, especially if you don't even know if you're coming back", he just nodded at your response. You walked into the plane and looked back, Fury mouthed the words "Good luck." And with that, the jet's entrance started closing and your journey to Romania started.


Pietro POV:

I woke up to the sun in my eyes, I reached out to the other side of the bed, but nobody was there, I had hoped it was a dream. It wasn't. He left for the mission in Romania.

A piece of paper on the side table caught my attention, I went to get it, when I read it. It made me miss him even more, It read;

"I love you."

My eyes started to form tears, he wasn't here for me to hug, I didnt have anyone to keep me company in the morning, the nights would feel lonely. The tears started to fall on the sides of my cheek, although I was crying, I had a smile on my face, I trusted that he'd come back. He wouldn't die so easily. I won't lose him. But I was unsure how long he would take to come back, I went down to have my breakfast, my eyes, heavy from crying, I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

My phone had a clear protective case, I stored the notes he would leave me on the back of my phone, I opened it up and placed the newer one beside the one he made in the gym.

As I entered the dining room, I was greeted by the others, Steve was there, I didn't dare to look at him, even though Y/n would have probably forgave him by now, I still felt the anger and the urge to throw him off this tower, but I held it in.

"Hey Steve" I greeted him, he looked surprised I greeted him. I let it pass and had my cereal with a side of orange juice


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