Chapter 17 Family Quarrels

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Brook was getting more anxious day by day. No matter how many times he tried acting calm in front of everyone else, the pain in his head didn't want to go away. The medicine Krissy gave him was almost out too with just three pills left. Brook was slowly starting to feel the effects of the medicine deteriorate like they weren't doing as well as before.

Brook had a role to fill in order for them to take back Luminar but the longer they took, the more he started to think if he'll actually feel well enough to go with them. Brook is constantly trying to forget about the pain in his head due to guilt. He couldn't help but feel bad for William and what happened to his crew.

He felt like he was responsible for it all. He wondered if his crew would still be here if he had not accidentally led Marvin back to their group in the woods or if he had just ended up not meeting William at all. It was hard for him to talk to William about it. Brook was actually having a hard time speaking to William at all since then.

It didn't make things any easier for Brook knowing that William offered to be a distraction while he would watch on the side. Brook was in the attic of the cottage going over his maps again when he heard a loud bang at the front door. The sound was loud enough for him to hear and he could feel his head ring again.

"Brook... come to us Brook..." The mysterious voice was talking in his head again. Brook got up from what he was doing to investigate what was going on. "Get out of my head..." He said to himself as made his way down the ladder. Brook made his way down the stairs to suddenly see Krissy again. The door was slammed open and beside her was William and Jordan.

"You can't just barge into people's homes like that!" Jordan said to her. "What are you talking about? You guys said you were staying here so I'm hardly doing anything wrong. Besides, I'm angry right now so don't talk back." Krissy snapped at him. Everyone else came from other rooms in the cottage to see what was going on just like Brook did.

Lilac was especially on edge after hearing the loud thump. "Who is this?!" Lilac was pointing her axe at the orc who suddenly walked in. William quickly stepped in between the two. "This is my aunt I told you about, we found her while we were scavenging around the village." William explained.

"This is your aunt that you mentioned?!" Lilac said. "Of course I'm his aunt. Lower your weapon and clean out your ears." Krissy told Lilac. Lilac thought something was off about her even though they had just met. "Why are your eyes pink?" She asked her. "It's just allergies alright." Krissy said. Jordan closed the door after realizing how long it's been opened for.

"William already told me what happened to half of my crew. Needless to say I'm beyond furious so if anyone wants to be thrown against the wall I suggest you watch what you say!" Krissy said. "I'm very sorry about what happened. I know I could've done more." Sol apologized. "Sorry isn't exactly going to cut it but I suppose it's too late to turn back now. We all knew what we were signing up for the moment I let you two on my ship."

Brook was relieved she was still alive but at the same time his guilt was stacked even higher than it was before seeing Krissy's reaction. "How in the world did you get away?" Brook asked. "Oh yeah! I want to know too, actually." William said. "Getting away was easy. All I had to do was know my own limits on what I could take and booked it. I saw a few of those pathetic knights wet themselves after I tore up their equipment." Krissy said. "That last part was unnecessary." Lilac said.

The two other orcs on Krissy's crew had huge grins. "That's our Krissy!" The first orc said. "No one can bring her down!" The second orc cheered. Krissy started glaring at the two orcs that spoke up. "So Don, Ron, what have you two done to protect your crew huh?! What happened?!" She asked them.

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