Chapter 8 False Divinity

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It was dark and stormy. Sol was having trouble getting his sea legs. This was his first time out on the water and he never imagined he would miss land this much. He was below deck because he was convinced that he wouldn't wobble overboard down there. It didn't help him feel better however because the waves made Sol feel like he was going to pass right through the wall. Instead he fell over and hit his shoulder on it. Sol was leaning up against the wooden interior as the ship rocked with the tide.

"Make this ride stop. Please make it stop." Sol pleaded while holding his mouth so he wouldn't puke. The hatch opened from above and a few orcs came down along with Brook and William. William handed Sol a paper bag. "Did you give this to me so I could barf in it?" Sol wobbled a bit more before he eventually sat down.

"There's medication inside. My aunt told me to give that to you so you wouldn't get sea sick." William sat down in a wooden chair. Brook gave Sol a glass of water. He took the medicine with ease. Brook and the two other orcs joined William as they sat down in a circle. "So what exactly are we going to do now?" William asked. "Yeah. We're being set up as criminals now just to help you. I hope you have a plan." One of the orcs said.

"I do have a plan but I'm not entirely sure if it's going to work." Sol placed down the empty glass. He looked at the Shining Giant sitting on a nearby table. "There's obviously a connection between that sword and Elgria right?" Sol asked. "Well yeah. It was forged from her own power." Brook pitched in. "So far the sword has only let me use its power through near death experiences. It's like it has a mind of its own. It lights up whenever it wants and whatever it wants. It's like I don't really have a say in the matter."

"That's ridiculous. I heard that Queen Lisandra used that sword all the time and it lit up any battlefield it made contact with!" One of the orcs said out loud. "Do you think the queen was able to do that much because she was just more experienced with the Shining Giant?" William asked. "No. I've heard she was like that since the first day she wielded the sword. My dad told me so." Sol said.

"When Elgria appeared before me at the festival, she looked angry. I'm starting to think she never wanted me to use the sword in the first place." "If she didn't want you to use the sword then why would she even choose you to begin with?" Brook said. "The only reason I can come up with is maybe she didn't actually have a choice." Sol continued.

"There is so much I don't know about what happened on the night of the festival. If Elgria didn't have a choice then it would make sense that she would be as stubborn as the sword." Just as Sol said that the sword on the table started to flicker. A small flame could be seen trying to spread on the wooden table. William had to quickly put out the flame with a damp cloth that was sitting on top of a barrel with clean water in it.

"I don't think Elgria liked that you just called her stubborn." Brook looked amazed about what just happened. The medicine that Sol took kicked in and he shot up from his spot. "Elgria is actually watching us! That means my plan could actually work!" Sol laughed a bit and went over to the sword. "I was hoping to make contact with Elgria. She could tell me everything I need to know!"

"The sword only lit up from you insulting her. What makes you think you're going to get anything from that?" One of the orcs said. "Have you been paying attention? It also lights up when I get in a near death experience." Brook got up as well and tried to hold Sol back away from the sword. "Don't try it! You don't know if it's going to work!" It was like Brook read Sol's mind. The plan was to meet at death's door so he could get closer to Elgria.

Sol's hope was that Elgria would show some divine intervention and prevent him from dying while at the same time giving him the answers he needs in full sentences instead of lighting a table on fire. "You have to let me try Brook! Everything is at stake here!" William looked concerned about what was happening. "What are you two doing? Try what?" Brook's attempt to hold Sol back was fruitless. His light body wasn't strong enough to restrain anyone.

Sol's Shine and the Kingdom of Fireحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن