Chapter 18

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The next day we had a party at breakfast to celebrate the new addition to the family.

"Dawn, what is her name, you didn't say yesterday," Mor said suddenly.

"I asked Leina what her name should be, why don't you tell them what you said," I told her, she beamed at them all.

"I named her Elisa," she declared.

"That is such a pretty name," Mor told her with a smile.

Later in in the week I went out house shopping, I found a beautiful four-bedroom house with a nice garden, large dining room and beautiful kitchen that I loved, I took Az, Leina and Elisa with me and Leina said she loved it as well.

I bulked when I looked at the price, but Az reminded me that Rhys had given me a salary as a member of his court, so I brought the property.

A few days later I accepted the mating bond officially, even if we couldn't finalise it the way you normally would, I wasn't ready for that yet and I was lucky to have such an understanding mate.

He moved in with me, helping my purchase furniture and decorations for the place. I let Leina decorate her own room because I knew she had never been given any choices in her life and she deserved freedom.

Her room was an explosion of colour, but I didn't mind, she loved it.

Feyre did a few paintings for our living room and dining room which was amazing, and I set up a herb garden out back.

My life began to settle, I went back to working in my shop, I raised Leina and Elise like they were my own, teaching them all I could. Azriel and I finalised the bond a year after I first met him, and he was so heartbreakingly gentle with me.

Just after Elisa's second birthday Her and Leina were staying with Mor while Az took me back to the camp I grew up in, I needed to face them again.

I had learnt how to fly properly so we flew to the Steeps together and landed in Windhaven in unison.

"Shadowsinger," Delvon greeted.

"Delvon, I believe you know Dawn," Az said, rage on his face.

"Hard to forget, one of the only fae I had the displeasure of seeing in my camp," he grumbled.

"Be careful how you speak to my mate," Azriel growled, I took his arm.

"Mates with the shadowsinger, that is unexpected." He laughed.

I stole the lights from the area, night had just fallen making my life a little easier.

The entire camp was plunged into pure darkness as orbs of light swirled around me.

"What are you?" Delvon snarled, staring at me in shock.

"Your worst nightmare if you ever disrespect me or another female again, now tell me Delvon, where is the male who started it all?" I asked.

"Main tent," he stuttered.

I snarled at him before walking in the direction I knew it was. the camp was in chaos, screaming coming from every direction.

"You do not need to fear me, I will not harm you unless you have harmed me," I yelled into the darkness.

The screams died down as I walked into the main tent.

"Orion, you took my maidenhead at twelve because my ears ended in points then encouraged the rest of the camp to do the same, you should be glad I convinced my mate you should live but do not take my mercy for forgiveness, you will get your punishment." I told the now lit tent.

Orion fell to his knees and begged for forgiveness, I just sneered.

"Every male who ever took something from me and marked me will also be marked by me in return, so you know what you have done to me, am I clear?" I asked, looking around to see my main tormentors all here.

Wide eyes looked back, and I let out a harsh laugh before letting my orbs of light slam into each person who took me. my light etched the same word into all of their backs.


Once I was done, I let the light go and turned to my mate.

"Let's go back home," I told him, and he took my hand, winnowing us back to our family.

The Light to His Shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें