Chapter 17

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-Dawn's POV-

I knew I was dying, I had no other explanation as to what was happening to me at the moment.

There was a persistent tugging in my middle, and I could see my body laying limp on a bed in the manor.

Did I kill Amarantha?

I really hoped I did, that this was over. As I watched myself, I saw an older female place her glowing hands on me.

While she tried to save my body, I went to find Az. He was sitting in the living room with the rest of my family, all of them look worried, even Amren.

Leina was sat on Azriel's lap sobbing into his chest while he tried to sooth her, but I knew he was just as worried.

He looked over to me, like he could see me. I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him, placing my hand over his own.

He smiled slightly at me.

"Come back," he whispered, I just nodded, I couldn't talk in this form.

I went back up to where my body lay, I could feel it strengthen, like it wanted me back. I walked over to it and lay my hand on my own chest, being sucked back into the darkness.

I woke up gasping. I jolted up right as the last few moments of consciousness hit me.

"Goodbye," I told her as I used the sun as my light source.

"I will always live on niece, in nightmares, and my child, are you sure you want to do this, because if you do you are orphaning a baby," she sneered at me.

I turned her to ash before her words sunk in.

"Easy, breathe," Azriel's voice said from next to me.

"No, you don't understand, I need to go back to the cabin," I told him in a rush, if she really did have a baby then I would not let it die because of me.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I'll explain in a bit, just take me," I begged.

He held my hand tightly and took me back to the cabin in the woods.

I ran inside and began searching.

"Dawn, what are you-" he began but stopped short when I scooped a newborn into my arms.

"What?" He blurted.

"Amarantha, just before she died, she asked if I really wanted to orphan this little girl, her word didn't sink in until I woke just now," I explained quietly, rocking the bundle in my arms.

He slowly walked over and looked down at her sleeping form.

"I'm going to raise her like my own, the same with Leina, neither of them are alone in this world," I whispered.

"I know," he whispered back before winnowing us back to my room.

Feyre, Mor, Rhys and Cassian were all there looking around frantically.

Rhys opened his mouth, probably to tell us off, but then he saw what I held.

"That's a baby," Mor stated.

"Yes," I replied.

"Where did you get a baby from?" Feyre asked.

"She's Amarantha's, just before I killed her, she told me of her existence, I refuse to let this little girl die alone in the Steeps because of me. She also told me that her reign of terror would live on with this child, I won't let that happen. I'm going to raise her with all the love I can give, as if she were my own, I will teach her kindness and love, just like I have done, and will continue to do, with Leina." I declared.

Feyre walked over and kissed the side of my head.

"That is beautiful Dawn, we will all help you raise this child, we promise." She said, smiling down at the baby, who was now stirring in my arms.

Mor brought Leina in and she ran over to me, questioning the baby.

"Leina, meet your new sister," I told her, she began jumping round the room in excitement.

"What is her name?" Leina asked, eyes bright.

"What do you think her name should be?" I asked.

"Elisa," she said after thinking for a bit.

"In that case, Leina meet your new sister Elisa." I said with a smile.

"Can I hold her?" She asked.

"If you sit next to Dawn and be very gentle," Azriel told her from where he was sat on the bed next to me.

Leina settled down between us and I placed Elisa into her arms, letting Az support her head.

"She's so tiny," Leina whispered.

"You were that tiny once," I told her, and she looked up at me in shock.

"I remember when I held you for the first time, just like you are now holding Elisa and telling mother the exact same thing." I said with a smile.

I asked Az to hold Elisa while I tucked Leina into bed, when I got back Rhys was with his brother, a crib was now sat next to my side of the bed.

"Thank you for everything Rhys," I said as I walked over.

"You said it yourself, you are family now Dawn, now get a good night's sleep, you are still recovering, Feyre will help you with your baby at first," he told me and I kissed his cheek before curling up under the covers with my mate.


So inspiration may have smacked me in the face, I know exactly how I want to end this now so expect another chapter soon. :)

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