"Well," sighs Sam, a grin appearing, "that is quite romantic."

"Romantic?! If anything, it is plain rudeness, it is!" argued Pippin.

"How so?" Vera questioned with an amused frown.


Merry, as slow as ever, interrupted, "...so let me get this straight...Vera and Legolas professed their undying love for one another just a few days after her closest friends were taken away from her by the evil orcs and the dark enemy?"

Vera starts to understand Pippin's point, and nods cringing. "...Yes—?"

"Do you see how unbelievably—"

"—wonderful that is? It is quite the loves story!" Merry coos, Sam nodding in agreement.

Vera giggled at the steam erupting from Pippin's ears, who was growing more frustrated that no one listened to him. Frodo merely winked in her direction but assured Pip that he is in agreement with him, which pleased the young Hobbit.

"Oh, enough of the chit-chat! Let me see the Hobbit!" Gimli growled from the back, eliciting a laugh from Vera as he shoved through Aragorn and Legolas to get to Frodo.

Through Gimli's overdramatic cries and praises, Vera turns to gaze admiringly at Legolas. "Home."

He smiled and pecked her cheek. "Home."

═══ -ˋˏ *.·:·.⟐.·:·.* ˎˊ- ═══

Vera was always a beautiful person.

From her flowing hair to her deep eyes and fair skin, Vera Adelaide is undoubtedly stunning. Of course, mermaids are alluring naturally in their own way, but Vera was...different. The beauty of the woman is incomparable; nothing could justify it. Legolas, mesmerized by her even months after meeting her — and, most likely, this will remain until the end of their life — could only stare at his mermaid Queen, as she gently placed her crown atop her head.

Her hair was pulled back into a bun of waves cascading from her face and upwards. The large bundle was encircled by an accessory of jewels gifted to her by Faramir and Aragorn both (apparently, a gift crafted by ancient Gondor Men.) which allowed for her smooth complexion to be in full view. Her fair skin was splattered with coal and peach lips to enhance her already enchanting face.

The dress she bore was elegant and refined, sleeves descending to her wrist but flowing downward to intensify the sophistication of the gown. The dress was floor-length and pooled around her in black and silver designs. A necklace covers her upper body, space which the dress could not entirely cover. Vera felt strange to be in a corseted dress again, after being in nothing but travel bearings and war armor, and almost uncomfortable.

Preparing the last requirements for her look, Vera completed the appearance with a crown, catching Legolas' attentive eyes on her. She quints her eyes into a teasing smile.

"What are you looking at, good Sir?"

Her voice caught him off guard, as the tree elf blushes and clears his throat. "Just my beautiful wife," he responds simply. As she stands, Legolas meets her halfway, circling arms around her waist to embrace her. "And you truly, truly are, melamin."

She leans into his warmth. "And you are just as handsome, if not more, my charming husband."

Legolas hums at the comment. "Who would have thought the two squabbling warriors would call one another husband and wife in a matter of months?"

"Oh, fate works in mysterious ways." Vera laughs.

"That it does," Legolas agrees, caressing Vera's face into a slow kiss...at least, it started slow, and then gradually grew passionate and uncontrollable. Before it could go too far, though, Legolas pulled away — much to Vera's disdain. "Aragorn is coming. I will see you later."

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