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Yes, please.


Aloy was busy in the blacksmith room working on new tags. All were made out of the broken metal toys except for hers. Aloy's new tiger tag was going to be made out of rose gold clay.

She had already remade tags for Kai and Lloyd and was currently working on Nya's tag when someone came in.


"Sup, Shar-Cole?"

"I thought the blacksmith room was empty..."

"Well, you've been mistaken. Why are you 'ere?"

"Oh, you know... things..."

"...what kind a things?"

"I can't tell you..."

How could he? It would ruin the surprise.

"Whatever... 'mere, I wanna show you dese new tags fer us. Maybe when I'm done, with our tags, you c'n 'elp me design yours?"

"Sure, but why the collars?"


"Why does everyone wear a collar? Did everyone agree to it?"

Aloy bit a part of her lip thinking...

"It was never said, but Wolfy liked collars," she said. "If dey wore somethin' 'round, it was a collar. We kinda just pick up on it an' I like collars too."

This gave Cole an idea.

"If it's okay with you," he said. "Can I borrow your collar once the tag has been removed?"


"It's just for a little while. I had an idea that I was gonna try, but this one might be better!"

Aloy chuckled as she removed her collar tossing it to Cole.

"Knock yourself out," she said as she went back to work on Nya's tag. "But I want it back when I make my tag."

"Oh, that reminds me, can I take a hand full of the rose gold clay you have?"

"Sure. It's in dis box," she said as she nudged the box closer to him.

When Cole got down, Aloy's tail had gone past his nose. Would you believe me if I told you that Aloy smelled like a bakery? Cole kinda didn't believe it either, but he kept the thought to himself as he went to a different part of the blacksmith room to design something new.

Instead of the classic chain, he'd incorporate Aloy's magenta collar into this two-piece set of a necklace and a ring.

For reference, here's a google image of what Aloy's collar looks like before she tossed the bell, replaced the gold with rose gold clay, and added spikes to it!

For reference, here's a google image of what Aloy's collar looks like before she tossed the bell, replaced the gold with rose gold clay, and added spikes to it!

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