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My cat Fluffy being cute.


Cole was kinda nervous as he held the new collar and the ring. He had managed to pull off his idea with successful tests, but it all went down to what Aloy thought of the new tag and the ring that comes with it.

"Come on, dude," said Jay as he pulled his best friend to Aloy's door. It was still early in the morning so Aloy wouldn't be up for another half an hour. "You gotta give them to her!"

"I know! I know!" said Cole as he was pulling back. "But shouldn't we wait until breakfast?"

"Maybe... BUT I'm sure you're the first face she'd want to see in the morning!"

"Well, you could've woke me up maybe five or ten minutes before she woke up!"

Truth be told, Jay had woken Cole up before the usual time they'd get up for school. When he heard that his best friend finished the ring and collar tag, he could barely contain himself.

Just when things were getting a little heated, a door opened causing things to get quiet...

"Ya know," said Aloy as she fixed her bedhead hair with her paws. "If I wanted an early wake-up call, I woulda asked... but I didn't... What da fuck?"

"Sorry, queen," said Jay. "But Cole's little surprise is ready and you MUST see it!"

"Well, it gotta wait 'til afta breakfast," she said before slamming her door shut.

Cole looked at Jay with the classic "I told you so" look.

"Save it. I don't want to hear it."

Once breakfast passed and everyone was ready for school, the other morphlings seemed to gang up on Cole... except Zane, he just wanted to get to school so he was waiting in The Bandwagon.

"Come on; show her!" said Lloyd as he pushed Aloy to Cole. "My pink cousin's been kept in the dark about this for so long!"

"Not to mention that if she likes them, this could be the start of a new career for you!" said Kai as he pushed Cole to Aloy. He and Jay were struggling since Cole was stronger than them.

"Enough!" said Aloy. Silence... "If Cole wants ta show me, den he'll show me when 'e's ready! Not a second sooner, not a second latta!"

By now, Cole's face was getting heated from the unwanted attention. He took the collar and ring out, but he couldn't bring himself to look Aloy in the eye.

"These are for you, Aloy!" he said quickly. He could feel his nose bleeding as his heart was beating faster.

Aloy took them into her paws at a loss for words as she stared at them.

She wasn't going to let herself cry in front of her peers, but she did tackle Cole in a hug causing them to fall. He could feel the tears on his shirt so he put the collar around her neck before wrapping an arm around her and cleaned his nosebleed.

A loud horn rang through everyone's ears.

"As nice as this is," said Zane through one of The Bandwagon's speakers. "I would like to get on the road before traffic gets bad or Seliel gets on the road."

"Right!" said Aloy as she got up. "Gotta beat da bitch to English! Chop chop an' thanks Shar-Cole fer da new tag 'n' ring! I'll never 'em off!"

Aloy's heart was beating fast as she strapped herself to her seat.

The others boarded The Bandwagon with Cole being last as he got smiles from his peers.

"Not helping!" he grumbled as he was trying to stop his nose from bleeding.

By the time lunch rolled around, Cole's nose was done bleeding, but something wasn't right.

As soon as he saw her, questions rose.

"Where's the ring?" he asked. "I don't mind if you did take it off, but like..."

"It ain't ta take a leek anymore," she grumbled. Eyebrows rose in confusion. "If ya got valuable shit on ya when ya go piss, take a risk an' get it dirty so ya don't risk it gettin' stolen!"

"Oh no!" said Nya as she went to hug her. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find your promise ring soon!"

Whoever was drinking something sprayed it out, choked on it, or was trying to hold their drink in while also trying not to burst out laughing.

Cue Cole's nosebleeding again.

"Stop making my nose bleed, please!" he said as he stole napkins from his friends. "I'm gonna pass out if you guys keep this up!"

"Besides, I kinda got a suspect on who stole from me."

"Who is it, kitty?"

"Take a guess, green bean."

Silence for a bit until Lloyd slammed his fist on the table.

"Mother fucking bitch!" he said as he got up. "Anyone knows what Harumi has now?!"

"No, but I don't think you should rip her in half now."

"Kai, you're my best friend and all, but fuck you!"

"If you're gonna be gay, do it at 'ome an' make sure da rest a us don't hear it!"
Insert laughter of fellow morphlings plus Cole here. Lloyd sat down once more.
"We just gotta be sure she don't leave da buildin' with my ring assumin' she didn't flush it down da toilet..."

"I don't think she got rid of it," said Jay. "I saw her in P.E. talking about how she found a treasured ring. I don't have her in any of my periods, but maybe she was talking about Aloy's ring?"

They looked at each other as gears turned.

"That is most likely the case," said Zane. "Aloy was very happy on the way this morning with the ring, so if we lose Harumi with it, The Oni will be one step closer to performing the ritual..."

"And we still need to find their hideout so we can save Mrs. Steel's ashes and Skylar and Pixel!" said Kai. He then looked at Cole... "What's up, Cole?"

He had been silent during the conversation with this serious look on his face... Not a sound came out of his mouth as a plan came to mind...

He was pissed that Aloy's ring was stolen from her...

...and he was going to get it back for her today...


Word Count: 1050...

Dice Blood (A Ninjago AU) [discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن