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The couple were walking home together that evening after Sunwoo's soccer training. They still haven't talked properly after the incident involving Wonjin that afternoon.

Dabin kept on stealing glances and calling the boy's name from time to time, but he just pretended like he didn't notice all those actions.

The girl then loudly sighed. She stopped in her track, breaking their intertwined hands apart, making the boy to stop walking as well.

Sunwoo turned around and raised his eyebrows, slightly taken aback with her action.

They remained silent for a moment, the girl kept her head low, looking at the ground, meanwhile the boy kept his eyes on the girl's small figure.

Dabin then hesitantly took a few steps towards the boy, still not looking at him.

In no time, she wrapped her arms around the boy's waist, placing her head on his chest.

"Why didn't you talk to me? I have nothing to do with that Wonjin guy. Stop ignoring me." She softly spoke, tightening the hug.

Dabin was about to break the hug when she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her figure. She was about to look at the boy, but Sunwoo placed her head back on his chest using his hand.

The boy suddenly let out a chuckle. "I wasn't mad at you to begin with, but it was nice seeing this clingy side of you. I'm sorry hehe."

"What the—" Dabin pushed the boy away, forcefully freeing herself from the embrace.

"Are you kidding me?! I was about to cry, you know? I thought you won't be talking to me for I don't know how lo—" Sunwoo pecked her lips before bringing the girl into his embrace once again, stopping her from her blabbering.

"I'm sorry." He softly whispered into her ear while patting her hair.

They stayed in that position for a few moments, enjoying the warmth in each other's arms.



The latter turned his head upon hearing his name being called.

He saw Wonjin from afar, who was just coming out from the sport equipment room, running towards his direction.

"What do you want?" Sunwoo asked, raising his eyebrows.

Wonjin took a deep breath before uttering his words. "Look, I'm so sorry about two days ago, I didn't know that she's your girl."

"Nah. It's all good. Don't worry."

"So we're cool now?"

Sunwoo slightly chuckled, placing his arm around the shorter guy's shoulder.

"Let's head to the field, shall we?"


Dabin and Jeyou just arrived at the school compound. Different from any other days, the amount of attention they received that day was unusual.

Murmur could be heard, but they weren't sure if it was directed to them. They exchanged glances and just shrugged their shoulders. What could be the reason?

As they walked further into the school building, a crowd of students could be seen gathering in front of the bulletin board.

"Should we take a look?" Jeyou asked.

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